
Removing a workflow

Is it possible to give an Enterprise user the ability to remove workflows in a ticketing application? The only thing I can find under the options for a Security Role is to be able to always approve a step, I cannot find anything on removing the ...
1 Answer
Mathew Chandler Last activity on 7/26/2022 1:20:41 PM by Mark Sayers

Is there a way to set the Responsible value as Group/User in a ticket creation via API?

Is there a way to set the responsible as group/user when creating a ticket via API? I tested a ticket create call and passed both the ResponsibleGroupID and the ResponsibleUid, but it is only setting the ticket to the ResponsibleUid va...
1 Answer
Phuong Hoang Last activity on 7/26/2022 10:46:11 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow Timer Configuration

Is there a way to configure a timer step within a workflow to automatically fire off a specific date to initiate the countdown instead of it initiating on the date of the request submission?
1 Answer
Hermandez Wynn Last activity on 7/25/2022 3:28:37 PM by Mark Sayers

Personalized Ticket History Report

Our organization is using the standard ticket history report every week to review performance. Is there a way we can customize this report or set it for weekly email delivery?
1 Answer
Cole Baker Last activity on 7/25/2022 11:04:10 AM by Mark Sayers

API Create Ticket - "The type provided for the ticket does not exist or is invalid."

I'm having some issues getting the API to work to create a new ticket. Every time I try I just get the error:
{"ID":-1,"Message":"The type provided for the ticket: id: 0 APP:2885 does not exist or is invalid."}
I'm definitely passing ...
2 Answers
Austin Wolcott Last activity on 7/25/2022 10:09:36 AM by Austin Wolcott

Is there an API method for converting a Customer to a User?

Background : We are working on designing a workflow that would require an approval step. The approver will be selected by the requestor via a custom field on the form. However, some approvers may not have elevated their Customer account to a Use...
1 Answer
Dusty Borchardt Last activity on 7/22/2022 3:25:36 PM by Christasia Bloom

Product Model

Good morning,
I am trying to import assets using the asset import file. I keep getting a validation error that the product model is invalid, but it is spelled exactly the same as when I created the models. What am I doing wrong? See attached ...
1 Answer
Valencia Ingram Last activity on 7/22/2022 12:00:57 PM by Mark Sayers

How to Close Task Created By Workflow

My workflow creates a task for my group and there's no way way to prevent it from displaying in our unassigned tasks report. I assume this happens because it's only assigned to a group and not an individual? Is the only solution to remove the as...
1 Answer
Mike Schuster Last activity on 7/22/2022 10:58:19 AM by Mark Sayers

API Endpoint to Convert a Ticket to a Project Request/Project?

I am just confirming that there is no API method to convert a ticket to a Project Request or Project? Or am I missing something?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/22/2022 10:42:47 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow Step to Update a Field in Ticket

Is it possible to add a step to a workflow that checks a box or sets a dropdown field to a specific value? When I click New Step, I'm not seeing a Type that will let me do this sort of thing.
1 Answer
Mike Schuster Last activity on 7/20/2022 4:01:25 PM by Mark Sayers

How to Change Web Service Provider in Method

I have 3 web service methods configured and I want to change the Web Service Provider in all of them. How do I do this? I don't see any way to edit the provider.
1 Answer
Mike Schuster Last activity on 7/20/2022 12:07:14 PM by Mark Sayers

Weird Email Generation using Addresses that Don't Exist

Please see the following, but we got some strange email responses from an email address that doesn't exist in our system:
The ticketing application ID is: 430.
Any ideas where this is coming from...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/20/2022 9:22:42 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow on SLA Violation

I need to be able to take action on a ticket after an SLA has breached that is something other than assigning to a specific person or group. I need to have a workflow run when this happens.
I've tried a number of things and right now I'm see...
1 Answer
Ken Stone Last activity on 7/19/2022 4:45:48 PM by Mark Sayers

Restore Deleted Task

Is it possible to restore a task that was deleted?
1 Answer
Mike Schuster Last activity on 7/19/2022 10:10:55 AM by Mark Sayers

Changing the requestor when they leave organization

Is there any way that someone has found, to easily change the requestor on a large number of tickets, if that person leaves the organization, and a new person should be considered the requestor?
1 Answer
Bill Harlan Last activity on 7/18/2022 4:36:59 PM by Mark Sayers

Workflow Approval Step Rejections

I have created a workflow with several approval steps. If an approval step is rejected in the workflow process, is there a way to send the rejection back to the requestor, have them update the information in the ticket, and start the workflow ove...
1 Answer
Valencia Ingram Last activity on 7/15/2022 11:49:39 AM by Mark Sayers

Card Wall Attributes

Is there (or will there be) a way to create our user-defined attributes for cards on a Card Wall? Similar to how we can modify ticket forms and project attributes?
1 Answer
Adam Reider Last activity on 7/15/2022 10:31:44 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow Task Step - group assigned receive email notification?

Question: we have a workflow with a Task Step assigned to a group. Does the group get notified?
To confirm, when I view the group, the members have “yes” in the notified column. They said they didn’t get notified, so I am trying to figure out...
2 Answers
Heather Malecha Last activity on 7/20/2022 1:40:46 PM by Heather Malecha

Bulk Asset Import API (Custom Attributes)

Following this documentation, here is the payload that I am sending to the /assets/import endpoint:
"Items": [
"SerialNumber": "ABCDE",
"ExternalID": 1234,
1 Answer
Daniel Hammond Last activity on 7/20/2022 10:56:45 AM by Mark Sayers

Delete a Service Offering?

How do you delete a service offering from a service? See the attached, but it doesn't look like there is an ability to remove a service offering.
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/13/2022 2:58:11 PM by Mark Sayers

Project on hold duration reporting

I have been asked to produce on hold metrics for our projects. Things like how many times a closed project went on hold during execution, max/median on hold duration, etc. There doesn't seem to be a way to get this info, so I am having to pour th...
1 Answer
Kevin McDonald Last activity on 7/13/2022 10:33:37 AM by Mark Sayers

Set the requestor to an email address

Maybe I'm going down the wrong path:
When an email comes in from an outside address (parent, vendor, etc), the 'Requestor' on the new ticket from the email monitor is set to that address. It doesn't create a user (that I can see), but we c...
1 Answer
John Shearer Last activity on 7/13/2022 10:05:06 AM by Mark Sayers

Ticket Task ID compared to Ticket ID

In our instance, Our first Ticket Task ID is in the 10000 range. Our first ticket ID started at 1.
What I'd like to ask is the task ID and ticket ID aren't exclusive pools of numbers right? Eventually, after a few months, we'll have both a T...
2 Answers
Bill Harlan Last activity on 7/8/2022 11:06:49 AM by Mark Sayers

Writing Custom Attributes in Assets with API

I'm trying to create an Asset with an API call from a workflow. I have got the system to create the asset, but it seems to be ignoring my custom attribute portion. Here is my body:

1 Answer
Matthew Magee Last activity on 7/7/2022 4:02:10 PM by Mark Sayers

Group notifications to a shared email address

We have a team that prefers to have their notifications go to a shared email (e.g. instead of individual users.
Is there any way to have Group ticketing notifications sent to a shared email address? The only solution I c...
1 Answer
Erin Tramble Last activity on 7/7/2022 11:10:12 AM by Mark Sayers

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