
KB Article ID

Could someone provide me with an accurate definition of the KB "Article ID"? Thanks!
1 Answer
Morgan Cranston Last activity on 8/17/2022 9:16:58 AM by Mark Sayers

Deleting or Deactivating Project Plans

Is there a way to delete or deactivate project plans as an alternative manager on a plan or TDAdmin?
Thank you.
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 8/16/2022 10:44:22 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow not attached when ticket created via API

Hello, we have a service with a linked workflow that gets set correctly when creating a ticket in TDNext or through the service page. However, the workflow is not attached correctly when we create a ticket through an API.
Any ideas why an AP...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 8/16/2022 9:51:48 AM by Mark Sayers

Change Management Exemplars?

Is there a great example of change management out there, we're having a hard time envisioning how we would use it - especially in relation to existing service requests - and I'm a visual person. I'd like to see how someone is using it very well ...
1 Answer
David Doherty Last activity on 8/15/2022 2:22:17 PM by Mark Sayers

Descrepancy between sent message and what TDNext recorded.

Good morning, please see the attached. Image "19438457-email" shows the email reply message, and "19438457-TDNext" shows what is posted in TDNext. Notice following lines are missing in the email reply:
manage-bde –protect...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 8/15/2022 2:11:16 PM by Mark Sayers

KB Ready By

What constitutes as a KB that is "read" (read by history/tab)? Does a user just need to access the article, or is there some other criteria?
1 Answer
Morgan Cranston Last activity on 8/12/2022 2:48:50 PM by Mark Sayers

Responsible Field Settings

Could you help me find where this setting in the attached file is located? I cannot seem to find it after the most recent update.
1 Answer
Derek Hickman Last activity on 8/11/2022 4:14:35 PM by Mark Sayers

Surveys based on services

I apologize if this has been asked before but I couldn't find it in my quick search.

If you don't add any services in the Ticket Profile section of a survey, does it default to sending a survey to tickets for all services or does it not...
1 Answer
Curt Stewart Last activity on 8/10/2022 5:01:23 PM by Mark Sayers

Days counted for Survey Time Between Requests

How are the days counted for the Survey setting of Time Between Requests? We have ours set to 7 days. So if the survey was sent on the 1st, would the 7 day count be on the 8th or the 9th that they become eligible to receive another survey of that...
1 Answer
Phuong Hoang Last activity on 8/10/2022 2:40:28 PM by Mark Sayers

Populate Custom Asset Attribute with Custom Ticket Attribute

We are using a ticket form where users input data about an asset and we would like to use that data to create an asset and fill in custom asset attributes. However, when we use a web service method in a workflow, we can store the ID of th...
1 Answer
Isaac Ramirez Last activity on 8/10/2022 10:08:39 AM by Mark Sayers

HTML & Reports

The new, HTML formatted tickets are great, but reports do not display the tickets in HTML, only plaintext. Is there a switch to flip so that reports are also formatted as the ticket so they are readable?
1 Answer
Jack Gallemore Last activity on 8/9/2022 2:03:16 PM by Mark Sayers

Formatting in Comments is great - What about Response Templates?

Hello! Firstly, very delighted to see the formatting update live for ticket comments, some of our non IT departments will be extra happy about this.
However, our Response Templates all look a bit sad and awkward in contrast now and I'm fully ...
1 Answer
Persephone McNair Last activity on 8/9/2022 11:01:19 AM by Mark Sayers

Auto-Generate Service Tag for Assets

I've looked through TDX's documentation and questions but have not seen this question asked before. We are looking at having the system automatically generate a service tag for assets. We were looking just using the ID but doesn't always incremen...
1 Answer
Larissa Hakes Last activity on 8/9/2022 10:20:32 AM by Mark Sayers

Is there a way to pull the results of an approval out of a workflow using an API?

I'm not seeing how to query a workflow that's currently occurring or has completed and see what the result of various parts of that workflow were. For instance, if I want to tell another system of mine that a workflow step had complete...
1 Answer
Trent Urness Last activity on 8/11/2022 9:17:30 AM by Bryan Weist

Acct/Dept Import?

Is there an Import capability to update Acct/Dept data similar to the one for Assets?
1 Answer
Jon Ricketson Last activity on 8/8/2022 12:51:39 PM by Mark Sayers

Best Practices for Executive Summaries of Projects

Good afternoon:

I wanted to ask if there are any best practices for exporting data from projects (or project plans using Waterfall or Card Wall) for usage in executive summaries? Would there be a way to export all feed items in Excel, W...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 8/8/2022 9:36:38 AM by Mark Sayers

task template reports?

How do I setup a report to pull tickets that have had a specific task template applied? I'm having trouble figuring it out.
1 Answer
Becky Klein Last activity on 8/5/2022 4:17:42 PM by Mark Sayers

Users with more than 2 email addresses

The scenario: One of our support groups has a ticketing application where users will email in tickets from more than 2 different email addresses. (e.g. email from our institution, personal email, and partner institution email(like a work study th...
1 Answer
Nick Nunn Last activity on 8/5/2022 3:23:54 PM by Mark Sayers

Ticket Notifications

Can I control which "standard attributes" appear in a ticket notification? I want to remove Due Date and Priority from all notifications as we NEVER use those. We have customized our notifications but even when I remove reference to those two at...
1 Answer
Jon Ricketson Last activity on 8/5/2022 10:30:50 AM by Mark Sayers

Set Knowledge Base article based on ticket form choices

Is there a way to set the Knowledge Base article on a ticket based on the ticket form choices?
We can certainly do this via iPaaS, but wondering if there's something more obvious built-in.
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 8/4/2022 12:32:30 PM by Mark Sayers

People Attribute

In a form, I am using a custom person attribute. In an attached workflow, I'm using a web service to change the title to include that custom attribute. I was wondering if there was any way to pull out the username of that custom pers...
3 Answers
Danee Gunka Schwartz Last activity on 4/13/2023 10:06:14 AM by Danee Gunka Schwartz

Passing data to a form via link?

I'm trying to build an iPaaS form that simply exists to function as a page that displays some information passed to it.
This form needs to be accessible by a link contained within an email, and, as such, needs to contain the informatio...
2 Answers
Emil Sayahi Last activity on 8/26/2022 3:50:45 PM by Carrie Willis

Form Attribute to List Grid

I would like to know if there is a most effective way to place a grid into a ticketing form? We would like to place a grid (preferably dynamic or expandable, but at least 7 x 3) to include people's names, roles, and email addresses.
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 7/28/2022 3:36:56 PM by Mark Sayers

Attribute Dependencies

I need assistance in defining attribute dependencies on a form.
I am trying to create a form that asks the number of countries visited and based on the answer 1-4, it provides you with the ability to select the 1st country, start and end trav...
2 Answers
Tia Hughes Last activity on 7/26/2022 4:42:52 PM by Tia Hughes

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