
Editing the Maintenance Activity form

Good afternoon
USNH is currently building out a change enablement process in TD. We would like to make some changes to the Maintenance Activity form (+Add>Maintenance Activity), such as changing "Due date" to "End Date"
I cannot find t...
1 Answer
Eugene McGeehan Last activity on 11/9/2023 2:03:00 PM by Mark Sayers

Releases Changed to Service Request

I haven't done much with Releases, and I can't find any KB information. I have a form that is configured as a Release, but when the ticket is created, the ticket is coming in as a Service Request. I need to be able to add child tickets to the r...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 11/9/2023 12:20:21 PM by Brittany Renn

Tracking Time

Is there a way to track time without having a project or ticket to connect to the time? One team doesn't normally work tickets; they only work with vendors and internal customers. Is there a way to track the time consulting with vendors, meeting ...
1 Answer
Rhonda McAfee Last activity on 11/9/2023 12:17:34 PM by Brittany Renn

Adding CCs to Tickets

The feature to add CCs as contacts has been a great improvement, but we still see with emails where people are CC'ed and their email address is not tied to any TDX person record, that they are not added as contacts on the ticket. Is there a way t...
1 Answer
Isaac Ramirez Last activity on 11/9/2023 11:03:58 AM by Mark Sayers

"Service request created" fields doubled

I was made of aware that when a user receives a notification via email room and location are doubled. We do not just these fields at all. Where would I edit this?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 11/9/2023 9:40:57 AM by Mark Sayers

Services for multiple ticket apps.

Currently I have 3 ticketing apps on my platform. The powers at be would like to do a type of 'contact us' service because they didn't want to do the 'questions' area. Is there a way to make a service that would wait until an attribute has been s...
1 Answer
Justin Goode Last activity on 11/8/2023 3:49:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Responsible field on Update Screen

Is there a way to move the (new) Responsible field on the ticket Update screen to a different location?!
It is fine where we have it on the initial/new ticket form, but the location of the field on the Update screen is a bit inconvenient and ...
1 Answer
Carmen Chastine Last activity on 11/8/2023 12:27:22 PM by Mark Sayers

App Admins user/group provisioning

Should app Admins be able to add members to a group or update their notification preferences ? Do they need to be a manager of the group and belong to that group even though they are an app admin of that application?
Sharon J.
1 Answer
Sharon Jarmoc Last activity on 11/8/2023 9:16:05 AM by Mark Sayers

Need clarification on three ticket fields

I'm trying to find something that tells me what the differences are and potential uses for the following ticket fields:
Notify, Notify Other People and Other Email Addressess
Do they have to be employees? Can they be Client users only? ...
1 Answer
Virginia Jacob Last activity on 11/7/2023 9:44:32 AM by Mark Sayers

Project Task Assignment (Multiple) Notification Template

I'm currently trying to find and edit the template for notifications about project task assignment, but I haven't been able to identify which template it is.
I have check all templates under Project and Task Notification Templates.
Can yo...
3 Answers
Harrison Fleisher Last activity on 4/18/2024 2:07:03 PM by Taren Conley

How to Determine a Tickets "Ticketing Application"?

I don't seem to be able to find an attribute that specifies the underlying ticketing application for a ticket. I have a report in Analysis that spans multiple ticketing applications, and when I iterate through the report in IPaaS (or other API),...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 11/6/2023 3:00:08 PM by Mark Sayers

Assets in forms

I have a technology disposal form that I created that will search for assets within our inventory application. if the asset is not in there I have a text box to enter in the info we need manually. Is there a way let's say someone has 3 assets to ...
2 Answers
James Richard Last activity on 11/7/2023 8:47:28 AM by James Richard

Performance Reviews

I am curious if anyone has ever used TDX for employee performance reviews? If so, could you share your process?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 11/8/2023 10:44:03 AM by Mark Sayers

Teams Integrations - Do clients have any access to search for their tickets or services, kbs?

Hello, I'm investigating the Teams Integration. The demo I found in the KB here is a couple years old, so I wanted to ask if since then if there's been any updates that would include allowing clients to have the ability to use this integration to...
1 Answer
Annie Adkins Last activity on 11/3/2023 3:20:50 PM by Brittany Renn

Pie Chart Format Change?

What happened to the Pie graph call outs? The following pie graph previously had % call outs aligned perfectly with pie slices. The new format change makes pie graphs like the following almost unreadable. Is there a legacy option to go back to...
1 Answer
Bernie Grabczewski Last activity on 11/3/2023 2:32:18 PM by Brittany Renn

Alert / Notification Email in TDNext Analysis People Reports

I don't see the Alert / Notification Email attribute in TDNext Analysis People Reports. Is that intentional or an oversight? We are doing a large API-based update of this attribute and would like to see the results in a People Report after it r...
1 Answer
Jon Ricketson Last activity on 11/3/2023 10:19:23 AM by Brittany Renn

Vanity URL for KB Articles

Is it possible to have vanity URLs for KB Articles? For example, instead of it would say something like https://myinstitution/PasswordReset?
1 Answer
Michelle Fallon Last activity on 11/2/2023 12:47:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Custom Notifications

I have been asked to add additional information to auto response emails when a user creates tickets. Information is specific to services so it would need to be customized for each service that requires it. So along with the typical inf...
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 11/1/2023 3:43:43 PM by Mark Sayers

Multiple Locations Attached to Single Ticket

We use the location and room attributes on many of our ticket forms, but we are looking for a way to attach more than one room to a single ticket. For example, we might have a change request to update the equipment in 5 different classrooms. I'd ...
1 Answer
Patrick Lisk Last activity on 11/1/2023 3:36:35 PM by Mark Sayers

tags on tasks?

Tags on tickets is extremely useful. Only thing: it would be nice if we could also use tags on Tasks so we could leverage those tags when searching for tasks.
2 Answers
Amos Gouaux Last activity on 11/1/2023 11:54:09 AM by Mark Sayers

Implementing Image Thumbnail and Click to Display Full-Sized Image in Image Viewer

While reading through the Version 11.8 Release Notes, I saw thumbnails of screen captures, which, when clicked, open the full image in a pop-up window titled Image Viewer.
How can I implement that same functionality in my Knowledge Base arti...
1 Answer
Paul Veverka Last activity on 10/30/2023 4:50:12 PM by Mark Sayers

Can you change what group a task on a ticket is assigned to?

We've encountered some cases in a workflow, where we occasionally will change who an active task is assigned to, but have not found a way to change the responsible group as well. Is this something we are able to do?
1 Answer
Annie Adkins Last activity on 10/30/2023 4:42:05 PM by Mark Sayers

Email Monitors - Carbon Copy

We are currently facing an issue where the emails sent to an email account with a monitor on it does not pass through the carbon copy names. Is there a way that it would pass through the information so they can add those individuals to the ticket...
1 Answer
Justin Goode Last activity on 10/30/2023 3:48:37 PM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS Form List Box Choice Order

I have an iPaaS form with a List Box element. In the designer, I have the choices in a particular order, but when I load the preview or send the form link through an email, the choices are arranged in alphabetical order. Is there a way to overrid...
1 Answer
Isaac Ramirez Last activity on 11/6/2023 2:26:10 PM by Mark Sayers

Removing inactive top category cards in a card wall

In a cardwall edits have been made and the added top category cards are no longer needed can they be deleted?
1 Answer
Terry VanKeuren Last activity on 10/30/2023 11:29:21 AM by Brittany Renn

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