
Can a custom field be added to a card within the Project App

Can I create a custom field to be added to a card? I know where I can create custom project attributes but I do not see the ability to add a field for a card.
1 Answer
Leslie Czeck Last activity on 1/30/2024 1:47:52 PM by Mark Sayers

Using iPaaS to Access Excel Files that are located in a Microsoft Team

I'm looking for videos and documentation that will help me with accessing an Excel file in a Microsoft Teams folder. I'm looking to take the contents of the spreadsheet and update asset information in TeamDynamix.

1 Answer
John Parker Last activity on 2/2/2024 9:44:15 AM by John Parker

SFTP Create File Error - iPaaS

I am trying to use the SFTP connector Create File function. I have used it for other SFTP applications. I am receiving this error from the current FTP site that I am working with.

Unsupported operation open file
I ca...
2 Answers
Scott Allbee Last activity on 6/5/2024 11:00:19 AM by Scott Allbee

new Assets/CI Application for space allocation (location management)

Hi all,
Curious if anyone has created an Asset/CI appl for space allocation? We're trying to determine the best way to monitor spaces (offices, classrooms, lounges, storage, etc.). We want to track whether a space is occupied; # of occupant...
1 Answer
Michelle Fallon Last activity on 1/29/2024 3:05:35 PM by Brittany Renn

How to automatically edit ticket's classification

We have a field on a form that allows the end user to choose if they want the classification of the ticket to be an incident or a change. We are thinking of creating an automation rule that is based off that selection to automatically change the ...
1 Answer
Gabriela Barragan Last activity on 1/29/2024 1:38:34 PM by Mark Sayers

Survey question Header Length

We are starting our Forray into surveys, and it seems the max length of the Header is 24 characters.
I recognize the value of keeping things short, sweet, and to the point, but this feels too restrictive. is it possible to modify this length...
1 Answer
Jacob Mercer Last activity on 1/29/2024 11:11:02 AM by Mark Sayers

Assign Projects to Resources

How do we assign projects to a resource.
Currently we open a project and assign resource. How to do it the other way, as the resources are working across multiple projects.
1 Answer
Meena Murali Last activity on 1/29/2024 9:33:00 AM by Mark Sayers

Some Users are not Receiving Email Notifications from a Workflow

We have created a custom attribute as an approval role in a workflow. The Approvers receive notifications whenever an approval is awaiting their response. However, some people are not receiving the email notifications. I have confirmed that notif...
1 Answer
Valencia Ingram Last activity on 1/26/2024 3:53:32 PM by Mark Sayers

Assets No Longer in Use

Is there any way to ensure assets that are marked as Out of Service no longer appear in the selection to be associated with a ticket? We still need the historical information for reporting, but we have a number of older assets that are out of ser...
3 Answers
Amy (Dube) Hodgdon Last activity on 1/26/2024 3:57:56 PM by Amy (Dube) Hodgdon

Receive "Permission Denied" message trying to view KB "Project Request Workflows"
1 Answer
Michael Kuhn Last activity on 1/26/2024 2:08:41 PM by Mark Sayers

automated way to send all tickets within a report a comment, or email to the ticket submitter

I run reports each week to cleanup several statuses. In each of these reports, I go through each ticket and post a comment to the submitter.
Is there any kind of option or work around to automate sending the same comment to each...
3 Answers
Shannon Sharon Last activity on 1/26/2024 2:03:48 PM by Shannon Sharon

Copying temp file from iPaaS to Linux system via Custom SSH Connector

What are the recommended practices for taking a temp file in iPaaS and copying/creating a file based on it on a Linux system via SSH?
The following article only provides instructions for a Windows based system:
1 Answer
Jim Lucas Last activity on 2/29/2024 10:00:14 AM by Mark Sayers

Unable to add new locations

Hello, I've double-checked to make sure that I am an administrator of our TDX Environment as well as the appropriate Asset app, but I can't seem to add locations to our environment. Is there something I'm missing? In the admin center -Organizatio...
1 Answer
Dylan Quast Last activity on 1/26/2024 9:29:35 AM by Mark Sayers

Project Status Report

Can I run the project status report for an individual plan? I have multiple plans in one project and I would like a similar report to the project status report but broken out by each plan. Alternatively, I would love to move a plan over to a new ...
1 Answer
Steve Pereira Last activity on 1/25/2024 3:41:39 PM by Mark Sayers

Report to pull range value based on current day and Date Picker custom attribute value

We are building a form that prompts a Requestor to input a service date (Anticipated Service Date), via a Date Picker custom attribute, that is sometime in the future.
We’d like to have a report on a desktop to track these that pul...
1 Answer
Tanner Grubbs Last activity on 1/25/2024 3:27:34 PM by Mark Sayers

Specify array size in form

Is there a way to specify the full array of results when setting a flow result expression ? I can only get it to grab 1 single result as a choice in a drop down list using a group in my flow vs setting form choices in a flow.
2 Answers
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 1/25/2024 2:09:45 PM by David Tod

Passing table values from flow to form

Hi, So I'm trying to pass multiple values to my form. I know that you can do this by setting a table or form choices in the flow with the properties being named text and value, but that only allows for 2 possible values and i want more than 2. Is...
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 1/25/2024 11:07:20 AM by David Tod

Clear or Force Updating the Required Type Field

We've implemented new Type categorization. We have a generic Type that we use as a placeholder for email intake. We would like our staff to always update the Type on the ticket after submission. Is there a way to force our staff to update this fi...
1 Answer
Julien Rossow-Greenberg Last activity on 1/25/2024 11:26:31 AM by Mark Sayers

notification Templates

Anyone know how I can get the default notification templates? I made a change to 2, and I my need to revert back.
Ticket Created (Requestor)
Ticket Created (Ticketing User)
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 1/25/2024 9:09:11 AM by Mark Sayers

Get Ticket Status Endpoint Issue

.../TDWebApi/api/{appId}/tickets/statuses/{id} is not found

I tried using a webhook and Postman with our appId and a ticket ID in the URL varilables
2 Answers
Scott Cory Last activity on 1/24/2024 6:20:55 PM by Scott Cory

IPaaS Flow Not Visible in TDX Workflow

I am following the steps in the " Creating a TDX CWorkflow Trigger in IPaas ," and I have done this several times, but I can't seem to get the IPaaS flow visible in the TDX Workflow
Can you point...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 1/24/2024 2:41:40 PM by Mark Sayers

TDNext Tickets Opening on Client Portal

I have a student worker is having an issue where every time he clicks a ticket on his TDNext desktop, it is opening up in the client portal. For other student workers (and myself), the tickets just open up on TDNext like they should. A...
2 Answers
Riley Fay Last activity on 1/26/2024 10:33:44 AM by Riley Fay

How to enter new line in an email message

I have an iPaas flow that emails a list of successful transactions to a recipient. The list is being generated in the flow as transactions are processed. I have added an "alt-enter" (hold alt down and press enter key) at the end of each transac...
2 Answers
Michael Olson Last activity on 1/24/2024 10:19:21 AM by David Tod

Username changes via import

About 700 personal email addresses where imported under the heading of "username" in a very large import (100,000) from with TDAdmin. I made the correction in the import file for the 700 with the school email in the "username" column....
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 1/24/2024 9:08:10 AM by Mark Sayers

Adding Location Field to Ticket Creation Email Notification

We are trying to add the location field from our tickets into the "ticket created" email notification for our ticketing users but we are running into issues. Would someone be able to tell us how we could accomplish this?
2 Answers
Riley Fay Last activity on 1/23/2024 3:20:01 PM by Riley Fay

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