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iPaaS Connector - API action requires SSL Cert

I have a Custom Connector with Custom API Actions, however the endpoint server requires an SSL certificate. Is there any way in iPaaS to apply a certificate, flow, configuration, on the proxy etc?

2 Answers
Alex Haberer Last activity on 2/9/2024 4:55:02 PM by Mark Medaugh

Passing Headers

Is there a specific format to use when passing username and password in the header of a connector in basic64 format?
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 2/14/2024 10:07:30 AM by Michael Ligouri

Drop Down list choices

If im populating a Form drop down list with values from my flow, is there a way to have the drop down populate on click of the drop down so that the drop down doesn't pre select a value ? or is there another way to maybe just have the drop down s...
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 2/5/2024 4:51:18 PM by Mark Medaugh

Connector query

Is there a specific way to have a connector request a query from a URL by creating a parameter inside the get request?
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 2/1/2024 11:26:17 AM by David Tod

Copying temp file from iPaaS to Linux system via Custom SSH Connector

What are the recommended practices for taking a temp file in iPaaS and copying/creating a file based on it on a Linux system via SSH?
The following article only provides instructions for a Windows based system:
1 Answer
Jim Lucas Last activity on 2/29/2024 10:00:14 AM by Mark Sayers

Specify array size in form

Is there a way to specify the full array of results when setting a flow result expression ? I can only get it to grab 1 single result as a choice in a drop down list using a group in my flow vs setting form choices in a flow.
2 Answers
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 1/25/2024 2:09:45 PM by David Tod

Passing table values from flow to form

Hi, So I'm trying to pass multiple values to my form. I know that you can do this by setting a table or form choices in the flow with the properties being named text and value, but that only allows for 2 possible values and i want more than 2. Is...
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 1/25/2024 11:07:20 AM by David Tod

TDX, DocuSign, and iPaaS

Hi! Below is a question I asked regarding using to TDX for performance review. While there are other tools made for this, I am stuck with a PDF from HR I must use. So taking into account what was mentioned in the last answer and whatever integrat...
2 Answers
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 1/24/2024 4:37:32 PM by Mark Medaugh

Converting string to all upper case

Looks like iPaaS does not have string.toUpperCase() function. How would I go about converting a string value stored in one of the properties to all upper case letters? Example: "text" to "TEXT"
1 Answer
Bodek Frak Last activity on 1/2/2024 8:48:44 AM by David Tod

Ipaas Form Table

Is there a way to create a table on an Ipaas Form ? or do you have to lay multiple list boxes? OR is this something you have to create using the custom element ? and if so how can i go about doing this with data from an SQL query ?
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 12/21/2023 10:54:07 AM by Michael Ligouri

Application Locks - TDX iPaaS Administration

Hello, TDX friends! I'm learning as much as possible, all things iPaaS. The extensive KB documentation for iPaaS is absolutely invaluable. There's an Application Locks tool, in the Monitoring tab for administrators. For the life of me, I can'...
1 Answer
Ron Vallejo Last activity on 12/20/2023 10:27:36 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset Resources

I am working on a iPaas flow that will remove all users, groups, and other select information from an asset when we are getting rid of the asset.
I have been able to remove all unwanted attributes or change them for my purposes except for the ...
1 Answer
John Delgado Last activity on 12/4/2023 12:19:57 PM by Mark Sayers

Deleting a User from a List in iPaaS

Hello, I have two lists of users, list A and list B. Currently I have a for each loop that will go through each user in list B and check to see if the user is in list A. If the user is not in list A, then the user is deleted from list B which is ...
1 Answer
Jennifer Jennings Last activity on 11/14/2023 11:18:29 AM by Jennifer Jennings

iPaaS API for Portfolio Planning

Hi, I am trying to set up some flows that can retrieve data about Projects from Portfolio Planning. Is there an API for Portfolio Planning that can interact with Scorecards or it is part of another API? If not, what are some ideas on accessing ...
1 Answer
James Cherry Last activity on 11/14/2023 9:18:24 AM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS Form List Box Choice Order

I have an iPaaS form with a List Box element. In the designer, I have the choices in a particular order, but when I load the preview or send the form link through an email, the choices are arranged in alphabetical order. Is there a way to overrid...
1 Answer
Isaac Ramirez Last activity on 11/6/2023 2:26:10 PM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS: Searching for technicians and updating an attribute

I want to search for people who are responsible for tickets and update a custom attribute for them.
There does not appear to be a way to find people with a technician's license. Right now, I'm using a search users by group, but it's imperfect...
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 10/26/2023 4:31:18 PM by David Tod

in iPaaS how do I call an Executable file on the proxy server from a flow

I need to be able to in iPaaS call an Executable file on the proxy server from a flow. Could you please provide an example?
1 Answer
Will Tonkin Last activity on 9/8/2023 2:13:31 PM by Will Tonkin

iPaaS Forms Custom Field Actions and Conditions

Would it be possible to expose the actions and conditions for the custom type field in iPaaS forms? I am trying to show a list of software from our inventory that is available to users and have it load the data from the flow on initialization. Th...
1 Answer
Tyler Steele Last activity on 8/22/2023 1:46:35 PM by Brittany Renn

Retrieve uploaded file content in an iPaaS flow.

How can the content of an uploaded file be read and set as the value for a property in an iPaaS flow?
2 Answers
Gregory Baboolal Last activity on 7/26/2023 9:07:33 AM by Mark Sayers

API / iPaaS for adding to my work/accomplishments

Is there an API or method for this in iPaas?
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 6/22/2023 6:08:55 PM by David Tod

TDX iPaaS Response Body Customization

I am attempting to utilize a Webhook to trigger an iPaaS flow that has a very strict json schema structure of what the response body should look like. I know currently the default response data is being stored in the {Data} object but I would lik...
2 Answers
Nic Hayes Last activity on 6/2/2023 12:53:15 PM by David Tod

iPaaS Flow Variable reference in SET FROM JSON Script

We have a flow with a "Set [ ] from Json" steps, and then inside the Script it makes a reference like:
var data = $ds$360;

How do we associate a specific parameter/variable or know what parameter/variable is referenced to $d2$...
1 Answer
Will Tonkin Last activity on 5/17/2023 11:32:39 AM by Mark Sayers

iPaas Removing Duplicates

What is the best way to remove duplicates in an iPaaS table? I pulled all of the ticket types and categories. I have a list of the categories that includes duplicates that I would like to remove.
1 Answer
Tyler Steele Last activity on 4/20/2023 2:30:16 PM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS Notification Providers and Metered Flows

If we set up a notification provider in iPaaS that posts a Slack message for example, would that count towards our number of metered flows? If so, would it count as one, or would each flow that we use it in for notifications count against...
1 Answer
Isaac Ramirez Last activity on 4/17/2023 4:15:16 PM by Michael Ligouri

iPaaS List question

When filling a list in iPaaS using "Split from" option, do you know a way to do "this or that"? For example, I have an iPaaS form which allows using comma or semicolon per each item, I want to be able to account for the users choice so...
1 Answer
David Mitchell Last activity on 12/5/2022 2:12:36 PM by Mark Medaugh