
Loading Expenses to Projects via Import or API

Is there a way to load expenses to projects via import or an API call? I didn't see an option for this when I looked at the API documentation, but wanted to check if it was a matter of me just looking for the items by a different name or in the w...
1 Answer
Corrine Knox Last activity on 1/22/2024 9:34:34 AM by Mark Sayers


Within a Form I have a singular flow with a parameterized switch which then returns a template for use within the form based on which action is taken on the form. This cuts down how many flows are created for a form when trying to make it...
2 Answers
Alex Haberer Last activity on 1/19/2024 3:48:12 PM by Miles Bagwell

Can "Search Users" Action/Method Results Be Limited by Group Membership?

Does anyone know of a way to restrict the results of the "Search Users" action from the iPaaS TDX Common connector to either just members of one or two groups or prevent users from a specific group from appearing in the results? I know this can b...
2 Answers
Corrine Knox Last activity on 1/19/2024 10:04:19 AM by Mark Sayers

Assignment Metrics

I am looking to see if there is a metric report that i can run to find incidents that were assigned to a a particular group, but not necessarily still assigned to that same group. e.g. If a ticket moves around from group A to group B to group C, ...
1 Answer
Aleasha Sawyer Last activity on 1/18/2024 3:17:54 PM by Mark Sayers

Project Initial Hours Calculation

Can you explain how the "initial hours" field in projects and project reporting are calculated?
1 Answer
Kim Rathbone Last activity on 1/17/2024 4:27:49 PM by Brittany Renn

Information Deleted from Sandbox

Hello we recently created a process for change management in our Sandbox environment, which consisted of a new category and form and new attributes as well as a workflow and an automation rule to direct that ticket to the correct group. We tested...
1 Answer
Ryan Turner Last activity on 1/17/2024 12:11:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Comments/Updates in Web Service Method Parameters

Is there any way to get Comments or a Ticket Update from Ticket as a Parameter in a Web Service Method? All I see is Description which is not the same as a ticket update or comment. The workaround I am considering is a custom attribute field, b...
2 Answers
Scott Cory Last activity on 1/16/2024 3:40:56 PM by Scott Cory

Closed Projects data availability

How long are data from closed projects available? Is there any duration limits/retention policies we should be aware of?
1 Answer
Kim Rathbone Last activity on 1/16/2024 4:48:33 PM by Mark Sayers

TDX WebHooks marked as metered?

Hello, I have a couple of webhooks from TDX Ticketing applications that only use TDX Connectors and Microsoft User-Send Mail connectors. Is it the Send Mail connector that makes these webhooks "Metered"?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 1/16/2024 4:49:52 PM by Mark Sayers

Have a User with Type "Contact"

I have a user with Type "Contact." I created this user myself last year, but I don't know how he got that type. In any case, it doesn't appear I can make any changes to his record. Should I create him again with the correct information?
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 1/16/2024 1:28:24 PM by Mark Sayers

Report Showing Attribute Values

Hi Mark,
Please see the attached.
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 1/16/2024 12:39:11 PM by Mark Sayers

Past Date/Time Attrubute

The date/time attribute only allows a date/time in the future. Is there a way to set a date/time attribute of an event that ocurred before the time a ticket is created?
2 Answers
Scott Cory Last activity on 1/16/2024 12:48:02 PM by Scott Cory

Limited access for contractor

We have a contractor who supports a single service. Since other aspects of the service belong in our main ticketing app, we are not interested in creating a unique app for these external techs. We do not want to have outside parties having access...
2 Answers
Nate Burt Last activity on 3/22/2024 10:33:43 AM by John Adams

Technician Dashboard

I am following the KB artcile about Designing a Ticket Dashboard ( ).
When I try to add the Calendar feed to the desktop it either doesn't show anything or it show...
2 Answers
Darin Waldrop Last activity on 1/16/2024 3:03:03 PM by Darin Waldrop

Actual Hours Report

Does the task time roll up into the ticket time on the actual hours report?
1 Answer
Annette Howard Last activity on 1/12/2024 2:00:59 PM by Brittany Renn

iPaaS Connector Problem

In iPaaS I made a new connector using the standard REST API Service connector. The new connector uses a Generic OAuth 1 credential. If I use action that has no parameters and doesn't pass anything in the body it works successfully. But when I...
2 Answers
Cory Morgan-Berg Last activity on 1/11/2024 6:04:45 PM by Mark Medaugh

Service Manager / Owner visibility on client portal

Is there a way to make the service owner visible on a service page?
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 1/11/2024 11:48:27 AM by Mark Sayers

Do the TDX Notification Templates have an ID?

It seems every element in TDX has a unique id but I am unable to find this for the TDX Notification Templates. Maybe if I explain what I am wanting to do it would make more sense. I am trying to figure out how to RESEND notifications from IPa...
1 Answer
Darla Bury Last activity on 1/11/2024 11:31:06 AM by Mark Sayers

Ticket Reminders

Before I create a series of reports for our techs, is there already something built in that will remind techs of outstanding tickets? I see that exists for project tasks.
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 1/11/2024 9:42:39 AM by Mark Sayers

Related Asset Application

When creating a service, is there a way to set the related asset application as a setting rather than (in addition to) in the service form? i.e. as a property of the service catalog, so that services end up in a specific asset application by defa...
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 1/10/2024 2:07:44 PM by Mark Sayers

Create relationship between Projects and Assets

We would like to create many-to-many relationships between Projects in our Project Planning Module and Assets in our Application Portfolio, so that we can support our security team is assessing applications in a timely manner that supports decisi...
1 Answer
Skye Swoboda-Colberg Last activity on 1/10/2024 1:42:22 PM by Mark Sayers

Privileged-Access Management Process

Have any other TeamDynamix-using organizations used TeamDynamix to create a privileged-access management process? We're getting read to build one, but would like to have some ideas.
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 1/10/2024 11:18:44 AM by Mark Sayers

People Import - Groups

Is there a way during user import from Import Jobs to create a user, but also add them to an existing group? if so, what field heading is needed?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 1/10/2024 10:35:29 AM by Mark Sayers

Reports not able to filter on custom attributes with dependencies?

I'm trying to create a report for using an onboarding form, and who is requesting hardware, which is done with a custom attribute on that form.
In the report I'm filtering by the form and I would like to also filter out for a selection on tha...
1 Answer
Nathan Ignatz Last activity on 1/10/2024 10:32:47 AM by Mark Sayers

Users Import Job Question

Our import job for users had been running fine for quite a while until early December when it suddenly stopped. We can't figure out any reason as to why. We've tried restarting the server where the file TDX uses lives but that hasn't r...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 1/9/2024 3:27:59 PM by Riley Fay

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