
iPaaS Connector: Allowed Authentication Methods vs Authentication Method?

What's the difference between these?
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 2/7/2024 3:28:01 PM by Mark Sayers

Export to excel - All links

When exporting anything form tdx to excel, they are all links, is there a way to not have them as links besides selecting within excel and removing the links?
1 Answer
James Richard Last activity on 2/6/2024 2:55:22 PM by Mark Sayers

Importing Asset and the limit of people on the Owner field

Issues with the drop down on the owner field for importing assets
There is a limit of 32000 that Excel allows you to pull for an import. So I am trying to do some asset imports and when doing so the Owner table stops at the letter M. Molly Bu...
1 Answer
Tabitha Logemann Last activity on 2/6/2024 12:34:52 PM by Mark Sayers

custom feed for assets/ci's

I see that there are generic options for the desktop in assets/ci's, in the asset feed, is there a way to only show certain things, for instance
we renamed our to inventory
we do a sync from our allsight (sassafras) management system
1 Answer
James Richard Last activity on 2/6/2024 10:42:49 AM by Brittany Renn

Organizational Risk Risks Percent of Value

Are there refresh timings set either in the sandbox as a whole, or specific to the Organizational Risk section of Portfolio Planning? I am testing the use of the
1 Answer
Rebecca Murphy Last activity on 2/6/2024 10:30:51 AM by Mark Sayers

Drop Down list choices

If im populating a Form drop down list with values from my flow, is there a way to have the drop down populate on click of the drop down so that the drop down doesn't pre select a value ? or is there another way to maybe just have the drop down s...
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 2/5/2024 4:51:18 PM by Mark Medaugh

Creating New Status for Issues in TD Workspaces

Hi there,
Is there a way to create new Issue statuses for Issues in a TD Workspace? We're looking at creating one for better tracking/filtering options. I'm familiar with how to do this in a ticketing application but haven't had any luck with...
1 Answer
Brian Hoang Last activity on 2/5/2024 1:48:28 PM by Mark Sayers

Workflow feed entry visibility

Is there a way to make workflow feed entries, such as "X approved this request" not private on the ticket feed? We have some approvers who want to see the approval history on a ticket.
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 2/5/2024 12:51:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Knowledge Base Search From Ticket Form

Knowledge base search (top right corner in TDNext) doesn't appear on every ticket form. Is there a way to configure KB search visibility for every ticket form?
1 Answer
Julien Rossow-Greenberg Last activity on 2/5/2024 4:19:37 PM by Brittany Renn

Forecast vs. Actual Project Budget Reporting

Is there a report available for reporting on project budgets forecast vs. actuals? I can see where in "Projects" the PM can input expense forecasts, but we want to compare the forecast to the actual expenses on a month-by-month basis.
1 Answer
Kim Rathbone Last activity on 2/5/2024 4:38:53 PM by Mark Sayers

Workflow Notification Step - multi-value attributes

On a workflow notification step, we're looking at custom template variables with multiple values, but the notification doesn't seem to support that. Any ideas.
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 2/9/2024 3:56:08 PM by David Tod

License type access defaults

Hi there,
If I am creating a new security role, and I choose a license type, then click 'select defaults', does that automatically provide me with the access permissions checked, that are the TeamDynamix pre-set defaults or are the boxes che...
1 Answer
Cynthia Mullaney-Evans Last activity on 2/2/2024 12:54:34 PM by Brittany Renn

Modifying PCT between resources on project tasks when plan is not checked out

When using waterfall plan schedules in the Projects application, I am only able to edit/modify the resource allocation percentage on a task with multiple resources assigned when the plan is not checked out. When the plan is checked out and I am d...
1 Answer
Kim Rathbone Last activity on 2/1/2024 1:45:19 PM by Mark Sayers

TDNext Asset Importer - Assigning Owner via OrgID

Is there any way to assign the owner through asset import off of a simpler field? It is nearly impossible to generate the format that the importer wants for owner by pulling data from other systems and I'd like to just use the person objects Orga...
2 Answers
Justin Rasmussen Last activity on 4/11/2024 11:23:54 AM by Sonya Martin

Creating New Categories inside a Card Wall

I have a project administrator who says that they found information from TDX that it's possible to create new categories inside a Card Wall.
Is this something only a TDX administrator can do or is this something that can be granted to a proje...
1 Answer
Mathew Chandler Last activity on 2/1/2024 9:50:06 AM by Mark Sayers

Project Request Workflow Reports

I have set up a few new project request workflows in the sandbox and wanted to be able to report on a specific workflow and have the step names shown. These items do not seem to be available as attributes in the analysis tab. How do I accomplish ...
2 Answers
Katharina Wymar Last activity on 2/1/2024 12:41:35 PM by Katharina Wymar

Connector query

Is there a specific way to have a connector request a query from a URL by creating a parameter inside the get request?
1 Answer
Matt Hoadley-Jager Last activity on 2/1/2024 11:26:17 AM by David Tod

Email Monitoring

We're getting ready to setup email monitoring. Questions:
Do you recommend that the email account/auth account be different from the one we are using for replies ( I kind of like the same for user-friendl...
2 Answers
Sheila McBride Last activity on 1/30/2024 4:54:26 PM by Mark Sayers

Alternate ID

Hi! Does anyone know if I can get the "Alternate ID" to show up below side the Organization ID field in the upper right hand side of tickets?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 1/30/2024 2:41:34 PM by Mark Sayers

Can a custom field be added to a card within the Project App

Can I create a custom field to be added to a card? I know where I can create custom project attributes but I do not see the ability to add a field for a card.
1 Answer
Leslie Czeck Last activity on 1/30/2024 1:47:52 PM by Mark Sayers

Using iPaaS to Access Excel Files that are located in a Microsoft Team

I'm looking for videos and documentation that will help me with accessing an Excel file in a Microsoft Teams folder. I'm looking to take the contents of the spreadsheet and update asset information in TeamDynamix.

1 Answer
John Parker Last activity on 2/2/2024 9:44:15 AM by John Parker

SFTP Create File Error - iPaaS

I am trying to use the SFTP connector Create File function. I have used it for other SFTP applications. I am receiving this error from the current FTP site that I am working with.

Unsupported operation open file
I ca...
2 Answers
Scott Allbee Last activity on 6/5/2024 11:00:19 AM by Scott Allbee

new Assets/CI Application for space allocation (location management)

Hi all,
Curious if anyone has created an Asset/CI appl for space allocation? We're trying to determine the best way to monitor spaces (offices, classrooms, lounges, storage, etc.). We want to track whether a space is occupied; # of occupant...
1 Answer
Michelle Fallon Last activity on 1/29/2024 3:05:35 PM by Brittany Renn

How to automatically edit ticket's classification

We have a field on a form that allows the end user to choose if they want the classification of the ticket to be an incident or a change. We are thinking of creating an automation rule that is based off that selection to automatically change the ...
1 Answer
Gabriela Barragan Last activity on 1/29/2024 1:38:34 PM by Mark Sayers

Survey question Header Length

We are starting our Forray into surveys, and it seems the max length of the Header is 24 characters.
I recognize the value of keeping things short, sweet, and to the point, but this feels too restrictive. is it possible to modify this length...
1 Answer
Jacob Mercer Last activity on 1/29/2024 11:11:02 AM by Mark Sayers

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