
Using Web Services to Create a New Ticket

I have created several web services that spawn off new tickets during the execution of a workflow. My question is how do I pass off the Responsible to the newly created tickets?
I've used Responsibility, Prim UserID, Last Assign, etc. in t...
1 Answer
Tia Hughes Last activity on 2/22/2024 9:25:31 AM by Brittany Renn

Sandbox to Production Form Import

Hello ,
We've developed a new custom asset form within our Sandbox Asset Application and now aim to transfer it to our production environment, specifically to the corresponding Asset Application. Is there a method to selectively import a si...
1 Answer
Matt Angel Last activity on 2/21/2024 10:49:12 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow Notification Step

Hi all,
Can someone please help me understand the what the purpose of the Recipient Role(s) selection in the notification step? Looks like it isn't required. Thank you.
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 2/21/2024 8:10:05 AM by David Tod

Reassign ticket to Round Robin

Hello, we currently have an iPaaS flow set up to round-robin tickets upon their filing. My inquiry pertains to the scenario where a ticket cannot be completed by the initially assigned user for any reason. When reassigning the ticket back t...
1 Answer
Ryan Turner Last activity on 2/21/2024 9:29:15 AM by Mark Sayers

notification templates in iPaaS

I'm setting up an email notification template in a flow and am trying to get a List control to output when the email is sent. Properties output fine but I can't seem to quite get a lIst to output. Output data looks like that and shows nothing in ...
1 Answer
JAMES HOUSEHOLDER Last activity on 2/22/2024 8:05:40 PM by David Tod

Proxy Error: A system error occurred while executing an action on Connector Proxy File System

I'm trying to use an iPaaS flow to take attachments from a dynamic form submission, upload them to a proxy server, and send the file location back to the flow; but have been receiving the following error message at the file creation step (which w...
1 Answer
Amanda Sharpsteen Last activity on 2/29/2024 12:42:30 PM by Mark Sayers

Expenses on specific project type requests

Is there any way to require a specific expense type be completed/entered by a requester at time of submission?
For our annual planning, we have the need to ensure ALL requests are including value for 'Contingency', along with any other planne...
1 Answer
Rebecca Murphy Last activity on 2/20/2024 4:34:16 PM by Mark Sayers

Get Listing of a Person's Accounts/Depts via API

Is it possible to get a list of acct/depts a user has access to via the API? The API seems to only return their default Acct/Dept.
1 Answer
Naseem Benjelloun Last activity on 2/29/2024 10:08:05 AM by Mark Sayers

Unable to Access Sandbox?

I have a person who has an Enterprise License in production, with access to several applications, including TDNext, and the exact same configuration in the Sandbox (as far as I can tell). However, the person gets a permission denied error when tr...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 2/20/2024 12:52:17 PM by Brittany Renn

Update Ticket Task PercentComplete via API

I'd like to be able to "close" (complete) a ticket task via the API. The documentation states the PercentComplete property is not editable via the API, and I've confirmed this in my testing. Is there another way to complete a task, or can this pr...
1 Answer
Joshua Myles Last activity on 2/20/2024 12:57:37 PM by Brittany Renn

File size restrictions with the Attachment form field for Ticket Requests

I've referenced regarding file size restrictions, but the info on Ticket Requests seems to only point to attachments after a ticket is created (drag and dro...
1 Answer
Tanner Grubbs Last activity on 2/20/2024 1:00:09 PM by Mark Sayers

Graph Report > Reports

When you create a bar graph (for example) in a report, you can click on one of the bars and get a list of all the tickets that make up that bar. Is it possible to change the columns of that list that comes from just that bar?
1 Answer
Carl Amlin Last activity on 2/20/2024 9:46:16 AM by Mark Sayers

New Web Service method not appearing in workflow step pull down

I created a web service method to put a ticket on hold called "Put Ticket On Hold". When I add it to the Web Service step in the workflow, it doesn't appear in the list of available methods.
I copied this method from one called "C...
1 Answer
James Moyle Last activity on 2/19/2024 1:44:06 PM by James Moyle

Status of Ticket Coming Off Hold

Where can I find information on how to set up my ticketing app so when tickets come off hold they get a specific status.
1 Answer
Alex Oquendo Last activity on 2/19/2024 1:05:15 PM by Mark Sayers

How can we automatically move a ticket from one ticketing application to another via api?

Is there is why to move a ticket of certain type from one ticketing application to another ticketing application via webservice methods or any kind of a flow?
2 Answers
Navjot Bhatoa Last activity on 2/21/2024 10:59:20 AM by Navjot Bhatoa

Responsibility Assignment Behavior

Hi All,
A manager would like the desired functionality.
A ticket should have two responsible fields: one for the Responsible Group and another for the Responsible Person (from within the group).
The behavior is identical to Location/L...
1 Answer
Steve Cade Last activity on 2/16/2024 1:14:06 PM by Brittany Renn

Time/Day Operator

Is there a way to compare a date against "next business day"?
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 2/16/2024 2:24:22 PM by Mark Sayers

Primary group vs regular group membership - Notifications

Hi all!
Can someone explain if there is a difference between primary vs regular group membership in regards to notifications?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 2/16/2024 1:18:24 PM by Brittany Renn

Dissatisfied Survey Response Triggers Ticket to Open

Is it possible to have a dissatisfied ticket response trigger the ticket to reopen? This would allow us to address any concerns in a more timely manner.
1 Answer
Scott Cory Last activity on 2/16/2024 1:17:16 PM by Mark Sayers

PowerApps within TDX Asset Management

Just wondering if anyone has used Microsoft Power Apps or Power Automate within the TDX environment? We use a power app to checkout assets and have users agree to terms of use, and this also stores device and user info in a sharepoint list. My m...
1 Answer
Christopher Vetek Last activity on 2/16/2024 9:34:59 AM by Mark Sayers

Report to Show All of the Tickets a User has been Notified On

Is it possible to create a report that shows a user all of the tickets that they have been notified on (but that they aren't responsible for)? If so, which filters should be used to obtain this information?
We have a lot of front line staff ...
1 Answer
Priscilla Schwartz Last activity on 2/16/2024 9:25:26 AM by Brittany Renn

Permission denied when trying to view new application

Hi there. I'm working in the sandbox on a new application that will be used for change management. I created the application, created a security role for it and assigned that to my user id, and set myself as an application admin for the new appli...
1 Answer
Kay Masters Last activity on 2/16/2024 9:26:48 AM by Brittany Renn

iPaaS Execute Stored Procedure Timeout?

I have a stored proc which does a bunch of processing, table loading, etc... There isn't really a result set from the stored proc other then the info/messages for logging. However when calling this proc in iPaaS I get the following error....
1 Answer
Alex Haberer Last activity on 2/16/2024 11:10:52 AM by Mark Sayers

API Endpoint to add Files to Project Requests

What is the API endpoint to add files to project requests?
In the self service set of methods, there is no method to update project requests. I am able to use some project APIs to add feed entries, etc, but am unable to add an attachment thro...
1 Answer
Naseem Benjelloun Last activity on 2/15/2024 3:26:25 PM by Mark Sayers

KB Examples

Hello, I was working on populating our Knowledge Base, and my supervisor asked me to contact you all and see if you have any suggestions at who would have a similar customer base or even just a great KB in general?
Thanks for your feedback
1 Answer
Ryan Turner Last activity on 2/15/2024 2:29:17 PM by Greg Van De Mark

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