
never mind - figured out our error Workspaces application - users cannot see tickets prior to workspace setup

I have a Workspace where the group has access to ticket app, but the members do not. We do not want direct ticket access for the users of the group. During sandbox testing, the tickets that existed under the current service were access...
1 Answer
Kay Kazinski Last activity on 3/4/2024 1:56:09 PM by Mark Sayers

OneDrive Integration

Hi All,
I have been asked to look into OneDrive integration for attachments. I currently receive this message when I try to add a file.

Based on the first image it looks like we need to do something on our end. However, I also...
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 3/4/2024 9:37:02 AM by Michael Rodriguez

Upcoming Release

Where on the Release and System Information page can I find dates for the upcoming release, feature release webinars and Q&A sessions? Also, the last two releases had a preview of the Release Notes before it was finalized and I don't see it t...
1 Answer
Bobby Jones Last activity on 3/4/2024 9:55:12 AM by Mark Sayers

Reporting Enhancement Requests
The first item references tickets only - please confirm this is also for projects & project tasks . thanks!

ID Title Proble...
1 Answer
Rebecca Murphy Last activity on 3/1/2024 9:38:23 AM by Brittany Renn

SLA Trigger Only After Changing to a Specific Form

We are wanting to run a two week pilot where we will test using the SLA monitor on certain forms. The challenge I am having is many of our tickets come in through email and from a general ticket form we have on the client portal. Our Service Desk...
1 Answer
Bret Swart Last activity on 3/1/2024 9:49:26 AM by Brittany Renn

Automation rule to not override manually assigned ticket

We have many automation rules that do the basics (most all at order 100, they don't overlap in terms of service/offerings) that will apply to the Client Portal tickets. However, we do have tickets that are created via TDNext and the Help Desk us...
1 Answer
Connor Dugandzic Last activity on 3/1/2024 10:06:49 AM by Mark Sayers

Ticket - video attachment size limit

Hi All,
Could someone let me know what is the limit for a video file attached to a ticket? I saw a few discussions stating 20MB and 50MB. Thank you
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 2/29/2024 11:30:30 AM by Brittany Renn

Do Service Pages Support Bootstrap Grid CSS?

KB articles and HTML modules support Bootstrap and Bootstrap Grid, but it doesn't appear that the services pages do. Is this correct?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 2/28/2024 5:00:00 PM by Mark Sayers

Chat Application

We've never used the TDX Chat application but we wanted to enable it for a few technicians to test it. Looks like we cannot just enable it in the Applications menu and it may be part of Conversational AI feature set now? I can't find any KB arti...
1 Answer
Anna-Liisa Breit Last activity on 2/28/2024 11:42:55 AM by Brittany Renn

How to remove specific tabs within an open ticket

Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to remove or hide specific tabs within an open ticket. like the option for "T&E"
we don't feel it would be beneficial for our technicians to utilize that tab so we want to see if there is a way to...
1 Answer
Ryan Turner Last activity on 2/28/2024 9:30:24 AM by Brittany Renn

Web Service Return to Workflow

I have a workflow with a webservice that creates and assigns a ticket. I treated it as if the workflow would continue from there. But not so. The rest of the tasks seem to be assigned to the newly created ticket. How can I have the wo...
2 Answers
Sheila McBride Last activity on 2/28/2024 4:19:58 PM by Mark Sayers

TDX Backup and Restore Procedures

Questions required for risk analysis.
1. How often is data backed up and where?
2. Are there backup or downtime procedures if the application/system is unavailable?
3. If we need to have data restored, do we need to work with TDX support...
1 Answer
Fillagot Taye Last activity on 2/27/2024 3:37:39 PM by Mark Sayers

Auto-Populate Form Field from Requestor or People Attribute

Hi, I want to have a form field that will automatically fill in a user's attribute (job title, unique identifier, etc) when they are selected from another Person Lookup field. Is this possible in TeamDynamix or is this something an iPaaS flow ca...
1 Answer
James Cherry Last activity on 2/27/2024 3:20:43 PM by Mark Sayers

Project Task Status History / Calculating data for Flow Metrics reporting.

Is there a table in the database that stores the history of Project Tasks? I am looking for a way to pull the dates that a status changes for Project Tasks in order to build a Cumulative Flow Diagram for Agile / Scrum metrics in Power Bi. I've ...
1 Answer
Darin Waldrop Last activity on 2/29/2024 11:11:42 AM by Mark Sayers

form on a desktop

on our client portal we have a service form, i know on my desktop i have a TDNext creat it help ticket, is there a way to put that service form as something like the create it help tickets?
1 Answer
James Richard Last activity on 2/27/2024 2:26:15 PM by Brittany Renn

Link Ticket Types to KB Articles

Does there currently exist a way to link either KB Articles or KB categories to a ticket type? So that when a ticket of a certain is created there is immediately related articles shown along the side panel under the user information or a ...
1 Answer
Peter Soto Last activity on 2/27/2024 1:45:36 PM by Mark Sayers

I would like to stop Auto-Notifications from reopening a ticket such as an out of office

I would like to stop Auto-Notifications from reopening a ticket such as an out of office. Is there a way to filter incoming messages to stop certain responses from automatically re-opening a ticket.
1 Answer
Jeff Schilling Last activity on 2/27/2024 9:28:25 AM by Mark Sayers

Send notification based on form entries.

We have a department who wants to automatically send a notification with information rather than work a the ticket. In this case, they want to offer a link (or links) to instructions when people check the right box. Or boxes.
I have...
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 2/26/2024 2:22:49 PM by Mark Sayers

Disable or Suspend Sandbox Ticket Emails?

Hi there,
We've been doing some testing in our Sandbox environment with bulk importing Issues into a Workspace. Unfortunately, this is sending email notifications to those that have an Issue assigned to them that is being updated. This led to...
1 Answer
Brian Hoang Last activity on 2/26/2024 11:37:36 AM by Mark Sayers

Ability to Set App Admin Option via API

Is it possible to set the App Admin option on a user's record for a specific organization-defined application via the API?
Based on the response from a Get Person call, it appears the attribute name is "IsAdministrator". However, if I try sen...
1 Answer
Corrine Knox Last activity on 2/26/2024 9:26:14 AM by Mark Sayers

Display content of text area attribute in Ticket Created Template

I have created a ticket attribute which I am referring to by Attribute ID in the following code in a response to users.
{{Name}} {{Value}} {{Text}} {{ID}} {{Description/Help}}
2 Answers
Lewis Hollingworth Last activity on 2/23/2024 12:30:55 PM by David Tod

Error forwarding email to service desk

I attempted to forward an email to our service desk and it is erroring out. The error in the Email Monitor logs is:
90125825 Error Error encountered while attempting to process email. Platform Email Id: [AAkA...
1 Answer
James Moyle Last activity on 2/23/2024 10:29:40 AM by Brittany Renn

Using Automation Rules to set SLA based on Ticket Priority

I have created an automation rule to automatically set the SLA on a ticket based on the priority. But I am noticing for ticket that are already in the system. When I Edit the ticket priority it does not auto change the to the new SLA . I need to ...
2 Answers
Keyon Farrier Last activity on 2/22/2024 8:02:06 PM by David Tod

MS Intune connector next page

Anyone know how to get all results using the ms intune connector? Trying to "List Managed Devices" and can't get to the next page after the first 500 results. I've tried the $top and skip with no luck.
1 Answer
Matt Madill Last activity on 2/28/2024 12:07:07 PM by Michael Ligouri

Good way to see the tickets all the groups you're in are assigned to?

With our ticketing app, we have tickets be assigned to groups via automation rules. The TDNext users are members of multiple groups, and because the tickets are assigned to groups, of course, the tickets don't show in "Assigned to Me". Is there...
1 Answer
Connor Dugandzic Last activity on 2/22/2024 9:22:37 AM by Brittany Renn

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