
Can I set a default filter for a calendar in a saved desktop?

For Change Tickets, we only want to show Maintenance Activities as a default.
When a change ticket has multiple maintenance activities, the change ticket shows on the calendar for the entire duration - start of earliest change to end of lat...
1 Answer
Sarah Glatz Last activity on 3/19/2024 10:47:02 AM by Mark Sayers

Unable to Add KB Articles

I should know this, but see below. Can you tell me why this user who has the set of permission is unable to add KB articles. When others, with the same permissions, can?
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 3/19/2024 9:42:55 AM by Brittany Renn

Updating Ticket Task names dynamically in a workflow based on Parent Ticket

Via a workflow, is it possible to update the ticket task names dynamically based on information from the parent ticket?
For example, I know in notifications you can insert template tag to include the ticket ID via {{ ID }}.
Is there somet...
1 Answer
David Fernandes Last activity on 3/19/2024 11:24:27 AM by Mark Sayers

CC emails

Is there a way to see who is CCed on an email when a ticket is created?
1 Answer
Abby Fitcher Last activity on 3/15/2024 4:27:59 PM by Brittany Renn

Creating a velocity report for project requests.

Looking for a way to create a report that shows when, over the course of a period of time, i.e. a year, that our organization gets project requests.
Want to identify the points during the year where we get the majority of our project requests...
1 Answer
Mark Juzwiak Last activity on 3/15/2024 9:27:25 AM by Mark Sayers

Can Fields in Project Update be Edited

We have a few different fields we would like to make available to users when they are updating their projects weekly. Is there a way for us to customize what attributes/fields are available when they click the Update button?
1 Answer
Rachel Renckly Last activity on 3/14/2024 2:53:11 PM by Brittany Renn

External searching

Someone from our web development team wanted me to ask:
Can TeamDynamix (Knowledge Base) act as a search source in a federated search with SharePoint Online (SharePoint in Office365) or any other platform?
1 Answer
Kay Masters Last activity on 3/14/2024 2:51:35 PM by Brittany Renn

Technology Acceptance Form

We currently utilize Adobe Sign to send forms to our users to sign a form that states they received a piece of technology equipment and that they will be fully responsible for it. Is there a way to implement this type of "check out" process withi...
1 Answer
Thomas Dominguez Last activity on 3/14/2024 2:55:55 PM by Mark Sayers

Chart font size and spacing

I there a way to space out service in a chart so they are not bunched up together?
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 3/13/2024 2:33:25 PM by Mark Sayers

Copying Forms Question

I am trying to copy a specific form in TDAdmin and only certain forms are showing up in the list that I can copy from. Is there a setting that I'm missing? I've attached an image with the highlighted form in the background being the on...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/13/2024 12:35:13 PM by Riley Fay

Can REPORTS default view (in TDNext) be closed / nested?

Since our instance went live six years ago, the the default view of our Reports sidebar has been fully opened - i.e. when I open the pane, I see all the contents of all the directories.
We're looking at several approaches to organize this sid...
2 Answers
Ian Murphy Last activity on 3/12/2024 11:39:02 AM by Mark Sayers

Prim Resp Group vs Resp Group

Can someone explain the difference please? I currently am using Prim Resp Group for all the reports.
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 3/12/2024 9:26:53 AM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS TDX search service offerings

There's an API for this, but I can't find it in an iPaaS connector. Am I looking in the wrong place?
2 Answers
David Tod Last activity on 3/11/2024 11:36:27 AM by Mark Sayers

Proxy Error iPaaS

I routinely encounter this error when running a flow with connectors that are configured to proxy servers. Has anyone else experienced this?
Proxy Error: The process cannot access the file 'test.csv' because it is being used by another proces...
2 Answers
Naseem Benjelloun Last activity on 3/11/2024 4:31:17 PM by Miles Bagwell

Force a category to the bottom

Hello. For a page with service links and subcategories, is there any way to force the category to the bottom of the page after the service links? I haven't found one, but maybe you have an idea how to do this.
2 Answers
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 3/10/2024 10:13:18 AM by David Tod

System Attribute Alterable

Concerning the system attribute "Contact." The clients can add contacts to their ticket, but after it is submitted, it cannot be changed. Is there a way that Contact can be marked Client Visible?
1 Answer
Sheila McBride Last activity on 3/7/2024 4:44:02 PM by Brittany Renn

Automation Rule Not Shown in Ticket

Please see below. I have an automation rule that only notifies groups and nothing else (no re-assignment and not notifying individual people). However, it appears the rule is executed, but does not show in the ticket feed, and the notifications...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 3/7/2024 12:20:47 PM by Mark Sayers

Report on tickets older than 5 days

I would like to create a report on all currently active tickets that are older than 5 days. What fields should I select and how can I schedule it to be a weekly report that is delivered to a group of individuals?
1 Answer
Josy Hess Last activity on 3/7/2024 11:58:59 AM by Mark Sayers

Auto Assigning an Asset to a ticket

I created a form that has the asset field embedded, so when someone adds that asset, is there a way to auto add to the assets/ci's tab?
1 Answer
James Richard Last activity on 3/7/2024 10:45:43 AM by Mark Sayers

Checkout Loaner Asset

Trying to figure out the best way to go about managing our fleet of loaner assets within TDX. Ideally, we'd like to be able to check out loaners on an as needed basis, meaning not every user will place a ticket requesting a loaner on t...
1 Answer
Ashleigh Chandler Last activity on 3/7/2024 3:22:31 PM by Mark Sayers

Task Notifications - Nuance Sequential Situation

Good day. I have found a slight nuance situation which occurred differently than we expected, so I want to confirm that the situation is as you all intend. In short, when someone is looking at a ticket, and a workflow assigns a task to that perso...
1 Answer
Triston Martin Last activity on 3/5/2024 3:36:10 PM by Mark Sayers

Can you create a none recurring scheduled ticket?

Can you create a none recurring scheduled ticket?
I tested the scheduled ticket option but there is no end date option, seems like there is no option in TDX to do this?
2 Answers
Melissa Larsen Last activity on 3/11/2024 11:22:18 AM by Jim Lucas

Can a workflow comment be sent to an outside email through a web method?

We have a workflow that is used by people outside our organization.
To keep them notified, we use web methods to send them statuses and other notification as the ticket moves through the workflow. These are working very well. We ...
1 Answer
James Moyle Last activity on 3/5/2024 1:57:14 PM by Mark Sayers

Forms vs. Templates

We are looking at a way to make manual ticket creation a bit more streamlined. We're trying to decide whether it's better to use the template feature or the forms feature. Currently, we have about 200 ticket types that we use. Some of ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/5/2024 1:53:50 PM by Mark Sayers

Can you create an iPaas Dynamic form and have it trigger a workflow?

Instead of creating a client portal form and then attaching a workflow to it. Can you instead create an iPaas Dynamic form and then pass that data to a workflow?
1 Answer
Jason Rider Last activity on 3/5/2024 10:04:09 AM by Michael Ligouri

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