General Questions (Public)

This is a forum for general questions about TeamDynamix products. It is not curated to remove older content or monitored for enhancement requests.

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Translate instructions for Location Room import duplicate checking

Hi all,
I'm trying to update our location rooms and am having some difficulty understanding how duplicate checking works.
Can someone explain what the following means? My brain seizes up when trying to figure this maze out.
1 Answer
Damon Stennett Last activity on 6/23/2023 11:05:59 AM by Mark Sayers

iPaas Removing Duplicates

What is the best way to remove duplicates in an iPaaS table? I pulled all of the ticket types and categories. I have a list of the categories that includes duplicates that I would like to remove.
1 Answer
Tyler Steele Last activity on 4/20/2023 2:30:16 PM by Mark Sayers

Duplicate assets using Excel Import

We are feeding some server information over into TDX using Sassafras, but I want to upload some additional information for the servers that can't be gathered using Sassafras. We don't have service tags for servers and only have serial numbers fo...
1 Answer
Susan Galvin Last activity on 12/8/2022 1:17:51 PM by Brittany Renn