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PATCH Clear Tag Filter

Trying to run an api patch on a ticket type for a batch of tickets.

Hello All,
I am trying to update just the ticket type for a batch of tickets. My script is created in powershell and is using the patch method to try and update that field in a ticket. Everytime I run my code it gives me the following error mes...
1 Answer
Brandon Ferrotta Last activity on 6/7/2023 10:06:17 AM by Mark Sayers

PATCH to calculate a date plus 30 days

I am trying to use a Web Service to update a ticket once it is approved at a point in a workflow. I am able to update the status and create an "Effective Date" utilizing the "Modified Date" using the following code in the body:
{"op": "...
1 Answer
Kevin Hull Last activity on 4/20/2023 4:11:46 PM by Mark Sayers