General Questions (Public)

This is a forum for general questions about TeamDynamix products. It is not curated to remove older content or monitored for enhancement requests.

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Knowledge base article contents in Database/File System

I am an on-premise customer on 11.6.
Where can I find the contents of KB articles either within the database or in the servers file system? My end goal is to be able to search all KB articles looking for a specific link. I see most KB article...
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 4/30/2024 3:01:33 PM by Mark Sayers

Knowledge Base Search From Ticket Form

Knowledge base search (top right corner in TDNext) doesn't appear on every ticket form. Is there a way to configure KB search visibility for every ticket form?
1 Answer
Julien Rossow-Greenberg Last activity on 2/5/2024 4:19:37 PM by Brittany Renn

Application Locks - TDX iPaaS Administration

Hello, TDX friends! I'm learning as much as possible, all things iPaaS. The extensive KB documentation for iPaaS is absolutely invaluable. There's an Application Locks tool, in the Monitoring tab for administrators. For the life of me, I can'...
1 Answer
Ron Vallejo Last activity on 12/20/2023 10:27:36 AM by Mark Sayers

Knowledge Base Article for End Users of OneDrive Integration

I recently received a request for end user instructions for our TDX OneDrive Integration and was surprised I couldn't find a resource in this Knowledge Base. I do see the KB for configuring the integration, but not for end users. Is this someth...
1 Answer
Tianna Jensen Last activity on 4/25/2023 1:17:02 PM by Brittany Renn

KB Attrubute Visibility - Published & Public

What KB permission is tied the "Published" and "Public" KB attributes? Some of our users can see the status of these two attributes under "Details" when looking at the main page of a KB, and others cannot. Is it possible to make those attributes ...
1 Answer
Morgan Cranston Last activity on 9/8/2022 4:39:23 PM by Mark Sayers

KB Ready By

What constitutes as a KB that is "read" (read by history/tab)? Does a user just need to access the article, or is there some other criteria?
1 Answer
Morgan Cranston Last activity on 8/12/2022 2:48:50 PM by Mark Sayers

Archived KB Search Results

Has anyone had any luck getting archived KBs to show up at the bottom of search results? I've tried making updates based on what is weighted but no luck.
1 Answer
Morgan Cranston Last activity on 1/13/2022 4:37:14 PM by Mark Sayers