General Questions (Public)

This is a forum for general questions about TeamDynamix products. It is not curated to remove older content or monitored for enhancement requests.

iPaaS - date/time expression help

I am currently working on the 'TDX Tickets: Create New Ticket' section of my flow. I want to set the End Date to 2 days after the form is submitted. When I leave a null value it defaults to 4, when I try to put expressions in there, none of them ...
2 Answers
Justin Goode Last activity on 7/8/2024 12:39:35 PM by David Tod

Asset/CI Field Question

Hello and thank you for your time.
I am just trying to better understand how the Asset/CI field works on a form a bit more clearly.
I have a team member who is attempting to use 2 custom Asset/CI fields to add assets to a ticket. When I s...
1 Answer
Joshua Twardosz Last activity on 7/8/2024 11:36:41 AM by Mark Sayers

Knowledge Base Articles Short Description

How useful are the short descriptions for Knowledge Base Articles (and in fact, Services) in terms of the search functionality? Or do the short descriptions have no impact on search results and is mostly used for information for the en...
1 Answer
Shana Smith Last activity on 7/5/2024 12:10:30 PM by Greg Van De Mark

Duplicate iPaaS flows in Workflow Steps

When selecting an iPaaS flow for an iPaaS step in a workflow, some iPaaS flows appear twice. One of them works and the other doesn't and when they're run, they have different PIds according to the ticket feed. I tried looking for what could cause...
1 Answer
Isaac Ramirez Last activity on 7/3/2024 4:07:27 PM by Mark Sayers

Web service method editing custom attribute

I'm trying to use a web service method to edit a responsible group automatically, and can get it to do that, but since custom attributes were not declared in the method, they are getting nulled. In the API documentation it isn't quite clear how t...
1 Answer
Derek Hickman Last activity on 7/3/2024 3:55:12 PM by Mark Sayers

User Type ID?

Hello, the IPaaS endpoint has a "User Type #" argument. I can't find any information on these values. An unfiltered search returns a record larger than 20 MB and errors out. So, I will have to do a few searches to get all our university faculty...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 7/3/2024 12:34:24 PM by Mark Sayers

How to enter/edit Estimated Hours on a ticket

We want to enter estimated hours in a ticket so that we can gauge the level of effort. The Estimated Hours field is read only when we "edit" a ticket.
How do we enter/change/edit the Estimated Hours on a ticket?
1 Answer
Ward Durossette Last activity on 7/2/2024 4:19:04 PM by Brittany Renn

Location Based Report

If I have multiple locations and I want a report to show the Locations and Ticket Status or Responsible Groups of those locations with a sum of tickets, I would also like a report to do the same for Ticket Tasks. Then, I could look at data from a...
1 Answer
Joshua Bennett Last activity on 7/2/2024 3:50:31 PM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS Form Connector with Microsoft Graph Credentials?

When trying to set up the Send Form we are not able to view or select our Microsoft Graph Credentials under the drop-down. Is this step able to be used with this credential type?
1 Answer
Brandon Simpson Last activity on 7/2/2024 2:47:37 PM by Brandon Simpson

Is TeamDynamix compatible with Apache Kafka for incident creation?

Is TeamDynamix compatible with Apache Kafka for incident creation? I don't see it as a native connector.
1 Answer
Chris Lumpkin Last activity on 7/2/2024 12:49:44 PM by Mark Sayers

template tag to link to ticket in mobile app

I see there are new template tags in TDAdmin for the mobile app but they are not referenced on
Is there a link that goes to the ticket in the mobile app similar t...
1 Answer
Greg Van De Mark Last activity on 7/1/2024 3:49:31 PM by Mark Sayers

Reports created by owner with "Visibility" option

I would like to verify if I am the report owner and share a report with a specified person with option choice of this the screenshot:

Will the person be able to "edit" this report, or just "view" it? I am fairly certain the...
1 Answer
Tami Cheng Last activity on 7/1/2024 9:37:29 AM by Mark Sayers

Ticket Task ID

Is it possible to display the ticket task ID when viewing the parent ticket in TDNext? I see the ticket task listed under Current Activities but it does not show the ticket task ID.
2 Answers
Jason Harris Last activity on 6/28/2024 1:08:49 PM by Jason Harris

IPaaS JavaScript Not Working

Please see below. I have a use case where I need to connect to a system (KickServ) that only uses XML, so I need to write JavaScript to connect to the endpoint and process the XML data. However, as seen below, I have a JavaScript that only uses...
3 Answers
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/28/2024 1:43:04 PM by David Tod

Ticket Task Responsible

We have a task in a workflow assignment configured as:

Responsible Role
Responsible Fallback for Responsible Role TDx-ITSS-Print-Support (Group) When the ticket is reassigned, the Ticket Task assignment ...
1 Answer
Scott Cory Last activity on 6/27/2024 3:32:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Project Attributes During Request Phase

We have created Project Attributes to collect data for a detailed project status. Is there a way I could remove these attributes from Project Request phase?
1 Answer
Annie Wilson Last activity on 6/26/2024 4:13:27 PM by Annie Wilson

Does TDX Mobile App copy data to US servers?

We're a Canadian SaaS client and want to explore the new technician mobile app. Can you direct me to any information on app data-residency -- for example, will data be replicated to a US server when viewing items in the mobile app?
1 Answer
Stephen Wichuk Last activity on 6/26/2024 3:38:16 PM by Mark Sayers

HTML Not Being Formatted in IPaaS Template

Hello, see below. I am trying to extract the HTML-formatted feed entry from a ticket and send it through HTML formatted email. However, when I extract the feed entry and insert it into a Template property, the HTML is not rendered in the email o...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/26/2024 2:40:52 PM by David Tod

Project form in Project application

I've been trying to figure out how to configure the form that can be used to create a project directly in the Projects application (going to +New). I've been playing around with the attributes and project types but can't seem to make sens...
1 Answer
Alyx Lyons Last activity on 6/26/2024 3:13:16 PM by Mark Sayers

Does "My assigned tickets" show tickets with an "On Hold" status?

Just want to confirm if it does or doesn't, and if it doesn't, I'm curious about the reason.
1 Answer
Lorne Pearl Last activity on 6/25/2024 11:13:06 AM by Mark Sayers

Testing who has permissions to view a ticket

Is there a way, through webapi calls or iPaaS, that I can test if a particular user has the permissions to view a specific ticket. For example, given the ticket ID 1234 and the user User1, I want to test if the user will see the ticket or the "pe...
1 Answer
Gareth Kmet Last activity on 6/25/2024 9:56:27 AM by Mark Sayers

Registering the TDX Mobile App

Good afternoon. I was able to find the TDX Mobile app in the Apple store, but when I follow the directions
I do not see the "TeamDynamix Mobile".

Is the do...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/25/2024 9:18:30 AM by Mark Sayers

Blank Security Role ID

Hello, for the People update API endpoint, the security role ID is optional. If an update leaves this field blank on an existing person, will the existing Security Role ID be preserved, or will it be overwritten with a null value?
As a side...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/24/2024 12:21:37 PM by Mark Sayers

iPaas: Maintenance notes

Is there a similar KB category/article for iPaas?
Just looking for a log of all the maintenance releases for iPaas and what they covered.
1 Answer
Gareth Kmet Last activity on 6/24/2024 10:07:31 AM by Mark Sayers

Dynamic row number in array within table

What would be the syntax to replace [1] with a dynamic row number within the table? I tried every combination of "i" but can't get it to work. I keep getting null value returned. If I use a hard coded row number, e.g. Response[1]['city'],...
1 Answer
Jason West Last activity on 6/26/2024 5:36:42 PM by Michael Ligouri

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