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Tickets and Tasks - Bulk Closure?

SCENARIO - New Hire, an Onboarding ticket is submitted by the Hiring Manager which is set to Auto-Create Tasks for HR, IT, and Facilities. IT closes theirs tasks, HR and Facilities tend to leave their tasks open. I am cleaning up Year-t...
1 Answer
Armando Cortez Last activity on 7/15/2024 1:39:05 PM by Armando Cortez

When creating a ticket in TDX auto population of data into certain fields.

When creating a ticket in TDX auto population of data into certain fields. When creating the ticket I and add the requester their department is auto populated, but not the building or room. Would this be possible to setup? If so how would I do...
1 Answer
Matthew Thompson Last activity on 6/20/2024 4:32:53 PM by Mark Sayers

Forms vs. Templates

We are looking at a way to make manual ticket creation a bit more streamlined. We're trying to decide whether it's better to use the template feature or the forms feature. Currently, we have about 200 ticket types that we use. Some of ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/5/2024 1:53:50 PM by Mark Sayers

Good way to see the tickets all the groups you're in are assigned to?

With our ticketing app, we have tickets be assigned to groups via automation rules. The TDNext users are members of multiple groups, and because the tickets are assigned to groups, of course, the tickets don't show in "Assigned to Me". Is there...
1 Answer
Connor Dugandzic Last activity on 2/22/2024 9:22:37 AM by Brittany Renn

Canvas and TDX integration

We are looking to somehow get Canvas LMS escalated tickets sent over to TDX where we could recognize the fields and use them for routing. We are trying to stay away from an email monitor capturing the subject line which won't give us e...
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 12/5/2023 8:50:47 AM by David Tod

Generating Tickets from Questions App

Is there a way to automatically generate tickets when users ask questions in the questions app?
Thank you.
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 11/15/2023 9:28:01 AM by Brittany Renn

Automatically Update Ticket Status Question

We are looking for a way to have a ticket's status be automatically updated from "Pending User" to "Open" once a user replies to us. For example, we need more information on a ticket so we update the ticket to Pending User and ask the ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 10/20/2023 4:25:54 PM by Mark Sayers

Global SLAs

I created an SLA that requires a technician to respond to a ticket within two business days and I would like to make it so that this SLA is applied to every newly created ticket in our system moving forward. Currently, I have only foun...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 8/8/2023 12:17:20 PM by Mark Sayers

Ticket Types and Type Categories

Can someone help me understand what is the proper way to come up with Ticket Types and Type Categories? Are they optional? Should they mirror Service Catalog category/subcategory?
Thank you!
2 Answers
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 8/2/2023 11:47:23 AM by David Tod

Add an alert to all tickets based on Form or some other relevant field

I would like to have a Ticket Closed alert added to all tickets related to my group of technicians.
The idea would be to monitor when tickets close, in real-time, to see if some need to be reviewed for accuracy.
I can manually add an aler...
1 Answer
Joe Rojas Last activity on 6/8/2023 2:10:37 PM by Mark Sayers

API to create scheduled tickets

We're not seeing how to use the API to create a scheduled ticket (I know, I know). Is that possible or could Mark put in a feature request for us? ;)
1 Answer
Micah Cooper Last activity on 4/27/2023 9:19:11 AM by Mark Sayers

Images on ticket forms

Is there a way for me to add images to a ticket form?
2 Answers
Mariah Rible Last activity on 12/4/2023 2:16:55 PM by Sarah Glatz

Tickets closed by year report

Hi there,
I am trying to create a report that shows us the tickets closed each year but am not finding which option in 'age' works best. Perhaps that is not the route to go.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you,
1 Answer
Randi Buckley Last activity on 3/13/2023 12:03:10 PM by Greg Van De Mark

Approvers approving their own request

I have a workflow that references department custom attributes for approvers. For each department, there are custom attributes 'Approver 1' and 'Approver 2' that are both people. I use these custom attributes in the Workflow Approval Step for a p...
1 Answer
Mariah Rible Last activity on 1/23/2023 1:08:56 PM by Mariah Rible

Email notification Image Removal

When receiving an email from the TDX system it comes with an image at the bottom that we would like to remove. I can't find this in the notification template. Is there a setting I need to turn off?
1 Answer
Harrison Fleisher Last activity on 1/20/2023 2:39:45 PM by Mark Sayers

Ticket Notification Templates missing

I'm trying to customize the notification emails that are sent out alongside tickets, I appear to be missing a few. The template I can't see is Service Request Task Assignment (Ticketing User).
Is this not supposed to be customizable or is the...
1 Answer
Harrison Fleisher Last activity on 1/20/2023 1:32:51 PM by Mark Sayers

Allow Supervisor to see tickets when they are not a technician

I have a client user who oversees two departments that have applications in our TDX instance. She will never answer or modify a ticket, so she remains a client rather than a technician.
Is there a way that she can see the list of tickets tha...
1 Answer
Terri Edney Last activity on 12/21/2022 9:13:21 PM by Greg Van De Mark

Average # Of Tickets Resolved Per Time Period

Hi all,
Wondering how to create a report to show the average number of the tickets set to resolved in a given time period. I want to be able to determine AVG resolutions per week per group.
Any help is appreciated
1 Answer
Damon Stennett Last activity on 8/19/2022 10:09:12 AM by Mark Sayers

Display Requestor's Assets on Ticket

Is it possible to display a requestor's assets on a TDX ticket they submit? Can that somehow be added to a form? I realize you can click on the requestor’s name to bring up another window that lists their assets.
Thank You,
Mike Schuster
1 Answer
Mike Schuster Last activity on 6/15/2022 12:47:22 PM by Christasia Bloom

Popup vs tab

It it possible to have tickets and assets open in a new tab rather than a popup window by default (rather than a right-click)? We were watching a demo from another company and it appears all their assets and calls were opening in tabs rather tha...
1 Answer
John Shearer Last activity on 4/7/2022 11:54:02 AM by Mark Sayers

Automatically Update Ticket Statuses

Is there a way to automatically update the status a ticket upon the ticket being edited in certain ways?
For example, in the department I work in, when we get a new ticket, it comes into TDX as a "New" ticket. I would like the status of the ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/18/2022 9:38:55 AM by Mark Sayers