How can I prevent my IPaaS flow from continuously looping?


I'm currently working on an IPaaS flow that notifies a user external from our organization of a ticket when it has been updated. The issue I am facing is that once the ticket has been updated, the email is sent to the external user and the ticket feed gets updated. Once the feed gets updated, the flow processes that as another update and sends another email and updates the feed and it infinitely continues that cycle.

How can I stop my flow from doing this and only send one email when a ticket is updated? Thank you!


Tags iPaaS
Asked by Elliot Beckman on Fri 9/20/24 4:45 PM Last edited Fri 9/20/24 4:45 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 9/20/24 4:52 PM

Hello Elliot,

It sounds like you need to add some extra logic so it only sends that notification when certain conditions are met on an update.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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