Capturing all work completed by technician
I am trying to come up with a means that would give a true and accurate scope of work completed by each of my technicians.
If they work on a ticket from start to finish then I am able to give them credit for that ticket no problem
If there is a task or task template involved - I can give them credit for the tasks that they complete
If there is a workflow involved - is there a way to give them credit for the items in a workflow that they are assigned to and complete?
I want a true picture of work completed in a set time frame.
Answer (1)
Hello Darla,
We don't currently have a report mechanism to show "all the things user X has touched in some way". I guess if they had logged time against their tickets for the effort they spent on any given ticket then you could run an Actual Hours report to show their hours spent on any item they put entries in for. Other than that, I wouldn't know of a way to achieve this in the current feature capabilities of TeamDynamix.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS