Workflows continuing after ticket closure


We are starting to get into more workflows and ran across a coupe use case's where a ticket is marked resolved in the middle of the workflow process. After the ticket is resolved, the workflow steps stay and continue to function. An exampe of this is a task to complete something with a step reminder. The ticket gets resolved but since the workflow never officially makes it to the approve/reject steps continues. What is the best way around this? We had thought that was a ticket was resolved/closed it was freeze the workflow but that appears to not be the case, in the meantime we have just removed the workflow from the ticket before closure but don't feel that is the best long term solution.


Tags steps workfow
Asked by Shawn Lienemann on Tue 7/30/24 9:43 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 7/30/24 9:55 AM

Hello Shawn,

Unfortunately there is no way around having the workflow continue to be operable (to some degree) if the ticket is marked Closed/Resolved mid-workflow. Ideally, you would allow yourself a way to mark the entire workflow as approved if you should need to skip it, or else do what you are doing now which is to remove the workflow. Otherwise, the workflow really ought to be fully completed prior to marking the ticket as resolved if those workflow steps are truly needed.

Perhaps, if it is a circumstance where fewer of those workflow steps are needed, you would be better off to develop a shortened workflow that only contains the steps necessary for an expedited scenario, so all the extra steps are kept off and the workflow *can* be completed fully for those types of requests.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, the few workflows this is happened on there isn't a better way to shorten them. This is falling into a secondary question but is related to this, "you would allow yourself a way to mark the entire workflow as approved if you should need to skip it", the only way we've found to to do this is to check the box for "The user will be able to always approve/reject/skip ticket workflow steps". We aren't comfortable checking this box currently with our Change Control process for approvals.

- Shawn Lienemann Tue 7/30/24 10:16 AM
What is the use case, as completely as you can outline it, where you are breaking out of the workflow to just close the ticket entirely? It seems like in that case the workflow isn't really needed, *or* it isn't designed to just take you to the end of the workflow if a certain action on a particular step is taken. - Mark Sayers Tue 7/30/24 10:31 AM

I'd love to share but this particular workflow has 37 steps and after looking at it more the spot it can get hung up and we need to just close the ticket we can use a choice step to get it to the end of the workflow. We can make this work!

Either way, I got my original question answered that there isn't a setting or anything that we missed to freeze or pause the workflow on closure, we just need build it out better to get to the end.

- Shawn Lienemann Tue 7/30/24 11:04 AM
You are very welcome! - Mark Sayers Tue 7/30/24 11:14 AM