Report Field Definitions
Good afternoon,
I am trying to find out whether there is a published list of the reporting field definitions. More specifically, I am looking to determine the difference between "Create to Init Resolve (abs)" and "Create to Init Resolve (Op)".
Thank you!
Asked by Tationia Bowen
on Mon 7/29/24 4:28 PM
Last edited Mon 7/29/24 4:28 PM
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Answer (1)
This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers
Mon 7/29/24 4:31 PM
Hi Tationia,
You can see definitions of report fields if you click the "Help" button that is accessible on the Edit page of any custom report builder report. That should give you our definitions of any standard field there.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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