Save and Finish Later - Ticket Functionality


Is there a way for clients to save their partially completed forms (ticket requests) as they complete tickets to be finished and submitted later?

If not, is there a possibility of this feature being developed? Our form is roughly 230 fields to complete and we would benefit greatly from the ability to save and finish work at a later time.

Lastly, what are the parameters for the system timing out. We have received error messages or the greyed out x next to the person icon but no "warning' message indicating a time out will occur soon. From my research, I cannot find a time confirmation. Our users have expressed frustration over not knowing how long they have to successfully complete the form before they are hit with various error messages.


Thank you,


Asked by Malissa Somers on Mon 7/29/24 12:55 PM Last edited Mon 7/29/24 12:55 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 7/29/24 1:10 PM

Hi Malissa, 

This isn't a feature currently but I would suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request so this can be considered for future versions: 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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