Can somebody tell me what has to be changed on a users record to mark it as modified?
When you look at Users in TDXADMIN there is a column that says "Modified" at the very end of the page. When you click on a user there are many menu options: General, Authentication, Applications, etc... I would like to know what has to occur on the record in order to changed the modified date and time. Also, can if a record is updated with a nightly import will that trigger a change to the modification date and time?
Asked by Patricia Porter
on Tue 7/23/24 8:40 AM
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Mark Sayers
Tue 7/23/24 9:37 AM
Hello Patricia,
I will check on that for you, but the nightly import *would* for sure cause the modification date for the account to be updated, yes.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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