documentation for Source Parameter in web service methods

I am wondering if there is documentation that explains what is allowed in the Source Parameter field of a web service method.

In my searches, I have found answers in this question area that include the following:

  • workflowSavedRespObject.collectionProperty.[index].childPropertyToAccess
  • ResponseBodyName.Attributes[?(@.ID==33550)].Value

I have been unable to put my hands on documentation that has these and other options listed.


Tags From-Workflow workflowSavedRespObject
Asked by David Gerstenecker on Tue 5/16/23 1:04 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 5/16/23 3:24 PM

Hello David,

Unfortunately it isn't documented because the possible variations are dependent on the JSON objects that are returned by a particular call.

Essentially it comes down to knowing JSON pathing and the right syntax to find the item in the received JSON response from a previous step. So, if the web service step is "get a user", look at the API documentation for the structure of a user, and then use JSON notation to pull the property/properties in question.

If you find that you have an issue attempting to get at a property from a web method's response body, I would encourage you to submit a support ticket so we can review and advise the best way to pull it for a parameter.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hello Mark,

Thank you for the explanation. Your mention of JSON pathing led me to find resources for "JSONPath notation". When I run into issues, I will submit a support ticket.

- David Gerstenecker Tue 5/16/23 6:25 PM