Import Jobs - Email

I am needing information on how to update the notification email addresses in our Import Jobs.

Asked by Lori Brinkhus on Wed 5/10/23 1:32 PM Last edited Wed 5/10/23 1:46 PM
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Brittany Renn Wed 5/10/23 1:39 PM

Hi Lori, 

You would need to have a column on the import file for 'Alert Email' and then supply the desired alert email address for each user as the value for that column. You can also see a full list of import column headers in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Import Jobs > Help.

Hope this helps but feel free to reach out with further questions! 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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I am sorry, I am not needing to add it for the users that are imported, but to the administrators who receive the emails that the import jobs have been completed. I have added a screenshot attachment. - Lori Brinkhus Wed 5/10/23 1:47 PM
Sorry about that! There should be a command line switch for --notifyEmailAddresses. The specific details are outlined in the KB below, but overall if you're needing to specify multiple values, just use a comma as the separator between the email values.

Let me know if you need anything further!
- Brittany Renn Wed 5/10/23 2:00 PM