Prompt for notifications

Is there a way in Projects to prompt for notification rather than auto notify?

Asked by Lisa Leonard on Mon 3/27/23 4:23 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 3/27/23 4:30 PM

Hello Lisa,

I don't believe so, however what is the scenario you're hoping to achieve?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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There are few scenarios. Most have to do with aged request or projects that we want to update without necessarily notifying all the project roles.

Also it is common for us to want to approve a project request so we can get the PM started but let the PM actually notify the sponsor.

Does that make sense?
- Lisa Leonard Mon 3/27/23 4:36 PM
On the project Update window you *can* choose not to notify anyone in the notification fields already.

Project request approval I'll need to check into more specifically.
- Mark Sayers Mon 3/27/23 4:43 PM
The Requestor of a project request *will* always get a notification when the request is approved, but no one else will unless you have automation rules configured to do so. - Mark Sayers Mon 3/27/23 4:55 PM
Ok it’s the requestor that we would like the option not to notify immediately on adjudication of the request.

Thanks for the quick response
- Lisa Leonard Mon 3/27/23 5:10 PM