Estimated hours field in a Service Request: how to edit or set a default value

Good morning,

We are ramping up resource management and capacity planning here at UNH, and a customer wanted to know if we can set the Estimate hours field in a Service Request to a default value. A screen shot has been attached.


I cannot figure out how to even edit that field. Where does this data come from and could I set a default amount (based on a service, a form, a group, or app)?



Thank you,


Eugene McGeehan

TeamDynamix Application Administrator

USNH Project and Portfolio Management

University of New Hampshire

Tags estimated-hours
Asked by Eugene McGeehan on Wed 3/22/23 10:04 AM Last edited Wed 3/22/23 10:04 AM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Wed 3/22/23 10:22 AM

Hi Eugene, 

You should be able to apply a default value for Estimated Hours directly on the ticket form in TDAdmin > Applications > [Ticket App] > Forms > [Select Form]. From there, you should see 'Estimated Hours' listed as a field on the form and you can input a default value in that field and then Save. 

Please let me know if you have any questions! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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