footer customizations

I've been working on some potential updates to our notification messages, and trying to figure out the difference between each.

We've got a number of notification footers that appear to have been created, but there's nothing in any of them. Should there be? Is there a KB article that could help me figure these out? Thanks in advance!

Tags notifications footer
Asked by Becky Klein on Mon 3/20/23 4:51 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 3/20/23 4:54 PM

Hello Becky,

You can technically create as many footers as you want for some reason, so there's not necessarily a *need* to have multiples of any one type of footer, if you do. Anything that is blank for a footer type is just not using the footer for those kinds of notificaitons to display any additional content.

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