Include feed/comment data in TDX report



I would like to be able to include the most recent update/comment from a ticket feed that is not marked as private in a TDX Report.  


I found another thread here ( which states "The UI in TeamDynamix doesn't currently support reporting on the Feed of tickets," but that comment was made on 11/29/21.  I'm curious if anything has changed since then.

Asked by Seth Long on Mon 3/20/23 3:06 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 3/20/23 3:10 PM

Hi Seth, 

Unfortunately, that is still the case currently and it isn't possible to report on the feed of tickets. I would suggest submitting an Enhancement Request, so this feature can be considered in future versions:

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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