Creating one Report that includes tickets from two applications


I am looking at creating one report that pulls ticket data from two Applications (App 1 & App 2). I have full control over App 2, but limited control over App 1. I tried to create a report in App 2 with the condition that  Application is one of App 1, App 2, hoping that this would pull data from both spaces, but it only pulled data from App 2. Is this due to the report only being able to pull data from App 2? Please let me know what else I could try.

Tags report applications
Asked by Justin Gonzales on Fri 2/24/23 1:18 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 2/24/23 1:28 PM

Hello Justin,

You can only report across applications by creating a ticket report in the Analysis application. The ticket report in the Analysis application allows you to report across any app that you have access to, OR you can report from any ticketing app in your organization if you have the security role permission to report on all app instances in Analysis.

Outside of having access to the Analysis application, you aren't able to report across multiple ticketing applications.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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