Ticket Expenses

Can you point me to a KB article that describes how to create Expense Types for Tickets and how to apply an expense to a ticket?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Mon 11/21/22 1:53 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 11/21/22 1:59 PM

Hello Tevis,

You can associate Expense types with your Ticket Types from TDAdmin > Applications > [your ticket app] > Types, via the Expense Accounts tab.

As for creating an expense with a ticket, you can do this from the T&E tab of a ticket or from within the Time & Expense application in TDNext.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I get how you create expenses and assign expenses to a ticket type. However, as shown below, when I assign an expense type to a ticket type and then try to add an expense to a ticket I am unable to select the expense type.


Any suggestions?

- Tevis Boulware Mon 11/21/22 2:39 PM
Was that ticket type the *original* ticket type for that ticket? Or was it only changed to that ticket type at some point *after* it was created?

Changing a ticket's Type after it is created will *not* bring over the new ticket Type's associated Time or Expense types over. You have to access the "Manage" button on the T&E tab of the ticket and manually add them to the ticket.
- Mark Sayers Mon 11/21/22 3:27 PM
No, the ticket type was not changed after ticket creation. - Tevis Boulware Mon 11/21/22 4:44 PM
Then that ticket must have been created at some point before you associated the expense type to the ticket type, because making that association *after* creating a ticket will not filter the new expense association to the tickets that exist already. - Mark Sayers Mon 11/21/22 4:55 PM