Can Scheduled Tickets include Ticket Tasks

When creating a Scheduled Ticket in TDX, is it possible to have the scheduled ticket create one with Ticket Tasks?

Use case is a recurring reminder ticket where our team will need to perform some task(s), then another team will need to perform a task when ours is complete.  Bundling both into the template, including group assignments and the task-based "this then that" ordering, seems like a perfect fit, but I don't see a UI option to create this configuration.



Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Fri 11/18/22 2:43 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 11/18/22 2:53 PM

Hello Sharon,

Yes, if the form you configure for your scheduled ticket template has the Task Template field added to it with a default value, then I believe it should accomplish what you are wanting.

Have you tried that yet?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant

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Thanks Mark! Not yet- - Sharon Jarmoc Fri 11/18/22 4:14 PM