iPaaS SSO: Attribute and Claim Name

I am with pulling the Required Claim Name and attribute values.  For the Required Claim, I have tried using affiliation and eduPersonAffiltion and nothing is returned.  When I tried using pulling attribute values such as givenName, displayName, etc. no value is returned.  I tried using the urn:oid and still nothing.  Is there something that I am missing?

Tags ipaas-forms ipaas-sso
Asked by Tyler Duncan on Fri 11/18/22 10:15 AM Last edited Fri 11/18/22 10:15 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Fri 11/18/22 10:36 AM

Hello Tyler,

Have you seen and/or read through this article previously: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=146790

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Yes. I followed the instructions mentioned and I am using the SAML message decoder to locate the attribute values. - Tyler Duncan Fri 11/18/22 11:03 AM
Hi Tyler,

Carrie here! Just a few questions for you:

-- Did you register iPaaS as a Service Provider in your identity provider platform? Even if you already registered TDX, or you're a member of the InCommon Federation, you have to register iPaaS separately.
-- What username attribute is your identity provider releasing?
-- Are you configuring SSO sign-in for iPaaS, or SSO for a form, or both?


- Carrie Willis Mon 11/28/22 1:35 PM
Hi Carrie!
-- Did you register iPaaS as a Service Provider in your identity provider platform? Yes
-- What username attribute is your identity provider releasing? ID, Name, Email, affiliation
-- Are you configuring SSO sign-in for iPaaS, or SSO for a form, or both? Both
- Tyler Duncan Wed 11/30/22 9:02 AM

John Eastvold Mon 10/9/23 4:26 PM

@Tyler Duncan, We're working on this same situation right now. Were you successful? Could you offer any details or insights?

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