Email Monitor Attachment Types and Random Image

What are the supported file types for Email Monitor Attachments?  I was able to attach an XML file but when I try to attach a JSON file I get the follow error message in the monitor log:

Also, when creating a ticket from an email monitor, a random image is attached to the ticket.  Where does this come from?  See the attached:

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Wed 11/2/22 6:23 PM
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Brittany Renn Thu 11/3/22 9:03 AM

Hi Tevis, 

I'm unable to see the attachments to your question. To answer your first question, here is a KB that goes over supported attachment types for the Email Monitoring Service. 

I'm not sure what the random image is that you mentioned, but it could come from the requestors email signature if they have an image provided there. 

Let me know if you have any further questions. 



Brittany Renn

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