Report for the last 3 years of Teamdynamix incidents

Is there a way to get a report for the last 3 years of TeamDynamix Incidents and corresponding resolutions?

Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Mon 10/10/22 5:18 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 10/11/22 9:23 AM

Hello Sharon,

You *can* certainly report on tickets created or closed int he past 3 years, however I'm not sure what you mean by "and their corresponding resolutions". There's no way to report on the Feed to see what was posted there for a ticket's resolution, so unless you are posting your "resolution" in an attribute field on the ticket's form, there may not be a way to accomplish that part of your question.

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Hi Mark, sorry- I should have been more clear. What I mean is the last 3 years of teamdynamix tickets (incidents) submitted to the vendor, i.e. outages, performance issues etc...
- Sharon Jarmoc Tue 10/11/22 9:48 AM
Ah you want a list of all tickets submitted to *us* in the past 3 years from Cornell? If that is the case, please submit a Support request ticket and include information in exactly what information/content you would like this report to contain, keeping in mind that (as I said) the Feed of a ticket is not available to reporting so specific resolution data for each issue isn't necessarily available to that report. - Mark Sayers Tue 10/11/22 10:23 AM
Thanks Mark! I'll submit the support request. - Sharon Jarmoc Tue 10/11/22 3:55 PM