On the TDNext form, typing a partial string does not return a "matching value"

When typing in the "Service Offering" field on TDNext forms a partial string does not return a matching value. The default behavior on most (if not all) other type-ahead search in TDNext is to return partial matches.

E.g. for the CIT - Portal Service of "Service Change", typing "Act" into the Service Offering field doesn't return any results, but typing "Activity" returns "Activity and/or Custom Form."

Ideally, this drop down would also show the first 5 results without typing anything, same as the Requestor field does now.

Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Tue 10/4/22 1:39 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 10/4/22 2:33 PM

Hello Sharon,

The TDAdmin page for your Service Offerings in the client portal *also* behaves this way until you type the full first word of the service offering into the search bar.

I don't know if this is expected or not, but it is at least consistent. You can submit a support ticket if you wish to have this investigated to see if the search algorithm for Service Offerings is flawed.

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Thank you Mark. - Sharon Jarmoc Tue 10/4/22 3:40 PM