Search Groups for two prefixes?

Hello, please see the following.  I am trying to create an IPaaS flow that returns groups with "USS-" OR "IS-" in the title, and I can create a connector that returns one of the conditions but not both.  Do I have to create two connector statements and then merge the lists?  (I want to use the results as the data source for an IPaaS from listbox.)

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Asked by Tevis Boulware on Thu 9/29/22 6:44 PM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 9/30/22 10:18 AM

Hi Tevis,

David's suggestion where you pre-filter this data via a report, then just pull that report's results into iPaaS is going to be your best bet. Our APIs do not support regular expressions like you're wanting to do.

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David Tod Fri 9/30/22 8:55 AM

I would think that if you can't do a regular expression or an OR in the UI, then you probably can't do it in the API. The alternative as a general strategy is to build a report that does what you want and then pull the report in your flow.

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