How do you delete/remove an attached file once you have selected it (via the Browse button) and attached it ?

How do you delete/remove an attached file once you have selected it (via the Browse button) and attached it ?

Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Tue 9/27/22 2:08 PM Last edited Tue 9/27/22 2:59 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 9/27/22 3:42 PM

Hello Sharon,

If you are still on the ticket creation window, you'll have to use the "X" button on the Attachment field to clear out all of the selected attachments, then search and add the desired attachments again.

If the ticket is already created, you can just remove the attachment from the Attachments box located at the right of the ticket's Details view from within TDNext.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you Mark. I guess this functionality is not in all Browsers since some folks are not able to delete the selected attachments. - Sharon Jarmoc Tue 9/27/22 3:46 PM
From within the client portal, I don't think the field does have a way to clear the value out. You'd just have to hit the "Browse" button again on the field and then re-select the proper/desired files. That will handle removing any unwanted files that were accidentally selected. - Mark Sayers Tue 9/27/22 3:48 PM
Ok. Thanks. By hitting the "Browse" button you can reselect different files to replace the ones you've already selected but it does not "clear" the attachment it only "replaces" - Sharon Jarmoc Tue 9/27/22 4:43 PM
Yes, the replace in effect removes whatever did not end up selected. - Mark Sayers Wed 9/28/22 11:17 AM