How do you attach multiple attachments in the ticketing form?

When you try to attach 1 file it attaches, however, when you go to search for another and/or another file to attach

you cannot attach another as it deletes the previous attachment you made.

Also, how do you delete/remove an attachment (file) once you have attached it?


Thank you,

Sharon Jarmoc

Cornell University

Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Tue 9/27/22 11:46 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 9/27/22 1:54 PM

Hello Sharon,

During the process of filling out a ticketing form (or service form if you are working out of the client portal's service catalog), you can select more than one attachment *if* they all happen to reside within the same folder on your local computer. You would hold the CTRL button on your keyboard while you click on all desired files up to the limit that the system indicates is the maximum file attachment size for one upload.

I am assuming, for the purposes of this question, that you are referring to adding attachments that reside on your local computer as opposed to from Google Drive, Box or OneDrive. The interface for attachment picking from your computer comes from your operating system (Windows/iOS/Linux) *not* from TeamDynamix.

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