Custom Report Filter of Title Contains xxxxx filtering whole words only

We had a user set up a custom report with a filter criteria of Title Contains Deploy.  The text description of the filter is "Title is like Deploy"

The report contains a ticket if the title contains "Deploy" but it does not if the title contains "Deployment"

Is it intended behavior that the "contains" filter operator is whole word only?  Is there a way using a wildcard to extend Deploy to include Deployment?

Tags contains report-filters
Asked by Bill Harlan on Fri 9/16/22 4:57 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Mon 9/19/22 2:48 PM

Hi Bill,

We tested this and a filter of "Title - Contains - Deploy" does pick up tickets that have the word Deployment in the title. I would ask you to confirm with your user how they have their report configured to be sure that another filter isn't the cause of the ticket with "deployment" in the title not showing up.

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I may need to take this to a ticket but here's the criteria.

Title is like Deploy
Created By is a member of [Design and DevOps]
Status is one of [New,Open,In Process]

Only one ticket result displays with "Deploy" in the title.

Title is like Deploy
Created By is a member of [Design and DevOps]
Status is one of [New, Open, In Process]
Title is like Deployment
Logic (1 OR 4) AND 2 AND 3

I get four results, the ticket above and three tickets with Deployment in the title.

Should i submit the report ID, and Details as a ticket so someone can dig in? Or is there something simple i'm missing.
- Bill Harlan Tue 9/20/22 11:00 AM
Go ahead and submit the report ID, its Details, and the IDs of the tickets that currently return for each version of the report so we can dig into it. - Mark Sayers Tue 9/20/22 2:48 PM

Mark Sayers Mon 9/19/22 1:34 PM

Hello Bill,

Let me check whether that would be considered valid behavior or not, because I think you could make a case that it should have picked up the second scenario as well.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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