Import Job Email - Errors Truncated

I loaded a file of people into our sandbox using the PeopleImporter utility.  The email I received lists about 75 people who have an invalid choice for the "Acct/Dept" property.  The bottom of the emails says this -

-- Errors truncated to 10,000 characters. --

Does this mean there are potentially more records that have an invalid choice for the "Acct/Dept" property or some other error?

Tags import-file peopleimport
Asked by Mike Schuster on Fri 9/16/22 12:45 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 9/19/22 10:13 AM

Hello Mike,

It is possible yes. Did you check the TDAdmin interface for your import jobs to confirm? All errors that occurred for a given file should be listed in that interface.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,

No, I hadn't looked there.

- Mike Schuster Mon 9/19/22 10:34 AM
I believe it is just a note that the email *will* be truncated after 10k characters, not that it *was* truncated in that particular instance. - Mark Sayers Mon 9/19/22 10:38 AM