Ticketing notifications

Will someone only get a notification if a comment is added to a ticket? Example: We had an HR partner add an attachment to a ticket, but didn’t add a comment, and the person responsible for the ticket didn’t know that the attachment was added because they didn’t get an email. Are the emails comment dependent?

Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Tue 9/13/22 11:19 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 9/13/22 4:27 PM

Hello Sharon,

The act of just manually adding an attachment to a ticket (like from the client portal interface for a ticket) does *not* notify anyone, no.

If the person had added the attachment by way of replying to an existing notification from that ticket, it would have generated a notification to the responsible person.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you so much Mark for the quick response! Yes. That was the result I got when I tried to test it out in sandbox. Just manually adding an attachment doesn't "send" anything. But when replying to an existing email notification to that ticket it does notify the responsible person. - Sharon Jarmoc Tue 9/13/22 4:42 PM