Workflows to Create Tickets in Other TDX Applications


We are working on fleshing out an employee onboarding workflow in an HR application that will generate tickets and send email notifications based on needs (such as computer setup by ITS or door access by the locksmith). I wanted to ask if Web services can be used in a workflow in the HR application that would be able to generate and assign tickets in the ITS application.

Thank you.

Tags workflow web-service ticket-generation
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Sun 9/4/22 1:28 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 9/6/22 2:54 PM

Hello Anderson,

Yes, you just need to be sure that your auth account for your web service has access to both ticketing apps. You'll assign the ticket on creating it.



Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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