Multiple API Call methods in one web workflow step

Is it possible to make multiple calls in one web method workflow step? For example, we currently have a task to assign a user to a group, and then set several custom people attributes. In order to do so with the API, one needs to auth using POST and return a token. I'm not sure how to store that token or how to make sure I have that token available so I can then call the methods that work with people, groups, and the attributes therein.

Tags API workflow
Asked by Derek Hickman on Thu 9/1/22 1:26 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 9/1/22 4:33 PM

Hello Derek,

No a web method step in a workflow makes 1 call to 1 URL (even if it's a call to a non-TDX API endpoint).

If more than that is needed, you might consider using iPaaS (a purchased product) to build something that your workflow can trigger iPaaS to do where the iPaaS flow makes all the needed calls for you.


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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