Changing email addresses/usernames of all users on the platform


The institution recently underwent a name change and in doing so, we're working on changing the email domain of all users.

In TDX, we currently have their username as their email address (

We tested to see what would happen with the new domain, but it created a new user.


My question, is there an easy way to mass update the username of every individual that currently exists in TDX? Either through a CSV Import, etc.



Asked by Samuel Becker on Thu 8/25/22 10:01 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 8/25/22 12:56 PM

Hi Samuel,

There is not an easy way to do this. My suggestion is to submit a support ticket that we can transfer to the technical services team to ask that they coordinate this effort via a script to modify user names.

Since you'd also be asking for a data change, this could carry a service charge, so I'd have to confirm that as well once you submit the ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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