Attribute Dependencies

I have a form and I want to have one parent and all the other attributes I create to be dependant on it. Based on what is selected from the parent attribute, I want several different attributes to appear.  Do I have to create a dependency for every attribute I want to appear? Example, If I select appointment, I want the attributes of first name, last name, email and phone to appear. Do I need to create a dependency for first name, last name, email and phone to appear? 


2nd questions: What if the attributes are all already on the form. Will the broken link show for dependencies on the form or do I have to remove them from the form and add them back after I create the dependencies? 

Tags dependencies
Asked by Alex Oquendo on Mon 8/22/22 2:45 PM Last edited Mon 8/22/22 2:48 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 8/22/22 4:30 PM

Hello Alex,

In short, yes, you do have to create a dependency for every attribute that you want to end up cascading from that Parent attribute when a certain option is chosen on it.

If the attributes are already on the form, just edit them and add the dependency. If they already had a dependency but you need to add a different/new one, edit and add the new one, and as long as that new dependency is what is selected in the drop down on the field's Edit window you will be good to go.



Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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