Time Types in waterfall project plans
I may be missing something but is there a way to get Time Types to automatically be added to tasks in waterfall project plans?
Thank you,
Todd Simpson
Asked by Todd Simpson
on Wed 8/17/22 3:16 PM
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Mark Sayers
Wed 8/17/22 4:13 PM
Hello Todd,
Time types for tasks are controlled by which time types/time accounts have been added to the project itself. Have you already added time types to the project? It would be via it's Settings project section.
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Hmm ok that was done though the initial plan was part of a template. I assume if the time types are not set in the project when the plan is created it’s not going to set the time types on the plan tasks?
- Todd Simpson
Wed 8/17/22 4:39 PM
If the project has time types added to it, any of the time types should be usable on the Work tab of a plan task. BUT if you have specified a Time Type or multiple on the task specifically/individually, then only the type(s) that were specified at the task level (from the available project time type pool) would be usable on the Work tab of the task.
- Mark Sayers
Wed 8/17/22 4:43 PM
Ok I'll have to test it further, maybe with a new project in the sandbox, because it wasn't giving me the option to add time when updating a task even though time types were applied to the project. The task itself didn't have time types specified and the option to add time didn't show up until I added time types to the task.
- Todd Simpson
Wed 8/17/22 5:03 PM
Yes I for sure can do an update and use just the project's time types on tasks where I hadn't specified particular time types on the task itself.
- Mark Sayers
Thu 8/18/22 8:57 AM