Microsoft Oauth 2.0 (IMAP)

Can Microsoft Oauth 2.0 (IMAP) still be used to authenticate an email monitor when Microsoft disables basic authentication in October 2022?

Asked by Joshua DuBoise on Tue 6/14/22 3:57 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 6/14/22 3:59 PM

Yes, they are only disabling the basic form of IMAP authentication, not OAuth over IMAP. You *do* need to continue to allow IMAP to be enabled on your email accounts if you wish to use OAuth IMAP auth accounts.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks! Otherwise, if we disabled IMAP, we would need to use Microsoft OAuth 2.0. - Joshua DuBoise Tue 6/14/22 4:00 PM
Correct. - Mark Sayers Tue 6/14/22 4:01 PM