Email Replies going to Groups No Longer Associated with the Ticket

Hello, please see the following screen capture.  The "issue" is that the ticket creator re-assigned the ticket to a new group, then subsequent replies generated from the email notifications notified both the new responsible group and the previous responsible group, who is no longer associated with the ticket.

Is this intended behavior, and is there a way to prevent the previous responsible group from being notified?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Wed 5/18/22 2:36 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 5/18/22 2:42 PM

Hello Tevis,

Because reply tokens are encrypted with (in part) information on who is responsible for the ticket and who should be notified by that response, the system will notify a previous resp. group if the notification they are replying to stipulates that this group was assigned to the ticket and should have been notified at that time.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
It sounds like the old group was notified (because the reply token stipulated that they were responsible for the ticket that the notification came from originally) and also the new resp. group/person was notified because they were the appropriate current responsible value on the ticket. - Mark Sayers Wed 5/18/22 2:44 PM
Is this intended behavior? It seems to me that once a group is removed from a ticket they should no longer be automatically notified. - Tevis Boulware Wed 5/18/22 2:48 PM
Their information, as I mentioned, is encoded in the reply token that is generated whenever a notification is sent from the ticket, so if the token showed that group as the current responsible of the ticket for a particular notification email, whenever someone responds to that particular email, it will always notify that group in addition to anyone else that should be notified if the ticket app is configured to always notify the Responsible of new comments. - Mark Sayers Wed 5/18/22 2:50 PM