Client Portal Settings


This introduction article will help Administrators to modify Client Portal application settings using the TDAdmin interface.


This introduction article will help Administrators to modify Client Portal application settings using the TDAdmin interface. The user must be and Administrator in TDAdmin.


Client Portal settings control the log-in prompt page, visibility of Client Portal and application pages to non-authenticated users, Portal headers, footers and styles. You can also set up your site to utilize Google Analytics and Google ReCAPTCHA Integration keys.

Note that any changes to the client site-level search, login prompts, client html header and footer, and public client applications may take up to fifteen minutes to take effect.

Where to Find This

These features appear in the TDAdmin interface.

Navigate to the Client Portal Settings following these paths:

  • TDAdmin > Organization Settings > Site Settings
  • TDAdmin > Applications > [Client Portal Name] > Settings

Configuring Client Portal Settings

The main settings for a client portal are managed from three different parts of the system.

Organization-Wide Site Settings

To manage the organization-wide site settings, in TDAdmin, navigate to Organization Settings > Site Settings.

TDNext Login Prompt

This is a custom prompt that will be displayed to individuals who are using the domain specific TDNext login page. If a domain has been configured, this page will be the TDNext URL with logo field listed in the Business Environment details. Here, you can create a custom login prompt for your TDNext login page using HTML or plain text.

Google ReCAPTCHA Integration Keys

Enter the Secret Key and Site Key for your Google ReCAPTCHA integration. Please note that only version 2 of the ReCAPTCHA API is currently supported. See this Google Developer’s ReCAPTCHA article for instructions on setting up your integration.

Application Site Settings

To manage the site settings for a Client Portal Application, in TDAdmin, navigate to Applications > [Client Portal Name] > Settings.

General Settings

The General section allows users to enable or disable a search box that searches Services, Knowledge Base, and Questions items simultaneously. In addition, a checkbox determines whether users must be authenticated to leave feedback on knowledge base articles and questions.

The General section contains the following options:

  • Enable Client Site-Level Search – Allows users to search across services, knowledge base and Questions in the Client Portal from a single location.
  • Only allow authenticated users to view the Client Portal -This setting prevents unauthenticated users from accessing Client Portal content.
  • Only Allow Knowledge Base Feedback from Authenticated Users – Prevents unauthenticated users from leaving feedback on knowledge base articles in the Client Portal.
  • Only Allow Feedback from Authenticated Users – Prevents unauthenticated users from leaving feedback on knowledge base articles and Questions in the Client Portal.

Client Portal Login Prompt

The Login Prompt allows administrators to provide custom HTML content when users visit their domain-specific Client Portal and are prompted to log in. The Prompt will only appear when users attempt to login to either TDNext or the Client Portal.

If a domain has been configured, this page will be the Client Portal URL with logo field listed in the Business Entity details. Here, you can create a custom login prompt for your Client Portal utilizing HTML or plain text.

Client HTML Header and Footer

The HTML Header and Footer sections allow administrators to show customized content at the top and bottom of pages when users visit their domain-specific Client Portal. All HTML entered in the header field will be displayed at the top of every page, displayed in a <code>header</code> tag. All HTML entered in the footer field will be displayed at the bottom of Client Portal pages. All content entered herein will be displayed in a <code>footer</code> tag.

To add custom HTML headers and footers to a client portal:

  1. In TDAdmin, go to Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Settings.
  2. On the Site Settings page, enter the needed HTML into the Client HTML Header and Client HTML Footer fields.
  3. Click the Save button.

Public Client Applications

You can configure which applications are available to public users in the Client Portal. Applications with the Visibility set to Auto will remain not visible until they contain public content. Once public content has been added to the application, it will automatically become visible. Likewise, if all public content is removed from an application, it will revert to not being visible.

Note that it may take up to a day for an application with the Visibility set to Auto to become visible once it has acquired public content.

The visibility can be controlled for the following applications:

  • Projects
  • Services
  • Knowledge Base
  • Questions

Google Analytics Configuration

Your Web Property ID is an ID provided by your Google Analytics account. It specifies where to send retrieved website data. More information is available here:

Using Google Analytics In Your Client Portal

Client Portal Style Settings

Administrators can make sure that their organization's brand is reflected in their Client Portal. A variety of page components are supported, each can be clicked to display a color wheel for easy selection. A preview window on the right side of the page will display all the currently selected settings.

To customize the styles of a Client Portal site:

  1. In TDAdmin Click Applications > [Client Portal Application]
  2. Click Styles.
  3. Modify styles and branding for each designated section of the page. Use hexadecimal codes for colors, or utilize the color picker by clicking on a color field.
  4. Preview changes by Clicking Preview
  5. For the changes to be applied to the Client Portal, click the Save and Enable buttons.

Customizing the Favicon

When enabled this icon will display to the left of the page title of the web browser tab. There are third party tools which can be used to help generate this icon in an .ICO file format, which is the required file extension for icon uploads. Although this icon is small, it continues to allow organizations to further reflect their brand in the Client Portal.

To customize the favicon:

  1. In TDAdmin, navigate to Client Portal > Styles.
  2. Within the Browser Favicon section, click Browse..
  3. Locate the desired image file and click Open
    1. A favicon is a 16x16 icon that will be associated with the Client Portal. Note that such icons must be in an .ico format.
  4. Click Save



Article ID: 87124
Mon 9/16/19 4:33 PM
Thu 7/25/24 11:42 AM