Managing Asset Locations and Location Rooms


This introduction article will help users to create locations and rooms using the TDNext interface.


This introduction article will help users to create locations and rooms using the TDNext interface. The user must have the "create and modify the list of locations and their rooms" permission as well as access to the assets application in TDNext, or the tickets application.


A location describes the physical location of an asset or configuration item. Locations are often equated with buildings at an organization. If desired, location rooms can also be specified within a location to provide more specificity on where in the building you are referencing.

Where to Find This

Locations and Location Rooms applies to Ticket applications and asset applications It does not get used within the Project Management portion of TeamDynamix. 

Both the tickets application as well as the assets application allow you to import in buildings and rooms, as well as the ability to edit those items. The assets application is where individual buildings and rooms can be created.

Navigate to TDNext following these paths to create locations or location rooms:

  • TDNext > [Tickets app] > Click the gear on the right hand side > Location or location room import > Download the import template as well as review the help text to import these items into TDX > Browse for a completed template > Click Next > Select the worksheet to import data from > Next > Configure mappings > Next > Import button
  • TDNext > [Assets app] > New > Location > Fill out the fields > Save > Once the location is saved, you can add rooms to it
  • TDNext > [Assets app] > Import > Location or location room import > Download the import template as well as review the help text to import these items into TDX > Browse for a completed template > Click Next > Select the worksheet to import data from > Next > Configure mappings > Next > Import button

Using Locations

Viewing the List of Locations

To view Asset/CI Application locations:

  1. TDAdmin
  2. Organization Settings
  3. Select Locations in the left navigation.
  4. Click a location Name to view the Location Details page. 

Adding a Location

To add a location:

  1. In TDNext, open an Asset/CI Application.
  2. In the toolbar, click +New then Location from the drop-down.
  3. Fill in the optional and required details in the New Location Display window as follows:
    1. Name
    2. Room List – Allows you to automatically generate rooms within the location but does not fill in any details for those rooms. 
    3. Custom Attributes – Show up at the bottom of the screen, and may be required. 
  4. Click the Save button.

The Location Created Successfully page will allow you to create more locations, view the location or view a list of locations. 

Importing Locations

An organization often will have enough locations to which it makes sense to import, rather than to create manually.

 To import locations:

  1. In TDNext, click the applications menu.
  2. Open the Assets/CIs application.
  3. Click the Import button, then select Location Import from the dropdown.
  4. In the Location Import Step 1 popup window, download the template or upload your own Excel file with required fields.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. In the Location Import Step 2 window, select which sheet the data is on and whether the data has a header row.
  7. Click the Next button.
  8. In the Location Import Step 3 window, map the columns to the relevant TeamDynamix location fields.
  9. Click the Next button.
  10. This read-only page will show the first 100 example locations.
  11. Click the Import button.

Modifying Locations and Rooms

To modify a location:

  1. In TDNext, open an Asset/CI Application.
  1. Click the Locations option from the left hand pane.
  2. From the list of locations, click on a location's name to view the Location Details
  3. You can edit the location and its custom attributes using the Edit toolbar button. 
    1. Locations can be deactivated in TDNext using the Edit Location page, but they can only be deleted in TDAdmin
    2. You can add attachments using the +Attachment button. 

In the Rooms section, you'll see a list of the Rooms that have been defined for the location. 

To add, edit or delete a room:

  1. TDNext > [Assets app]
    1. To add a new Room, click +Room. Fill in the room's attributes and save. 
    2. To edit a Room's details, click Edit in the list of rooms or from the Room Details page. 
    3. To delete a Room, click Delete in the list of rooms.
  2. Click Save.

Deleting Locations and Rooms

You will only be able to delete a location if there are no tickets or assets/CIs associated with them. Locations can be deactivated in TDNext using the Edit Location page, but they can only be deleted in TDAdmin. 

To delete a location or room:

  1. In TDNext, open an Asset/CI Application.
  2. Click the Locations link in the left navigation.
  3. In the Locations display window, click the Name link of the Location that contains the Room you’d like to delete.
  4. In the popup window, click the Delete link next to the Room you’d like to delete.
  5. Click the OK button in the confirmation popup.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • It is common to not have a single accurate source for building and room data. Importing in bad data can cause rework for admins later. Try to avoid importing in bad data.
  • Please note that Locations & Location Room do not pertain to the PPM application. It only applies to ITSM & Asset Management.