This getting started article will help users and Administrators to create project request forms using either TDAdmin or the Client Portal interface. The user must have TDAdmin access as at least a Client Portal Administrator or have permission in a Client Portal security role to view the service catalog and create services.
Project request forms allow organizations to structure the intake of new project proposals and gather the relevant data needed before such a proposal can be properly evaluated.
Forms are created to gather information on things like:
- A problem a customer is trying to solve.
- An outcome a customer wants to achieve.
- The perceived priority of a request.
- Desired start and end dates.
- Funding and budgets.
- Whether they already have something started, or they are starting from scratch.
- Requirements.
- Specific resources the customer would like to work on a request.
Where to Find This
This feature appears in the Client Portal and TDNext interfaces.
The Client Portal is where a typical user can submit new project requests for consideration, and TDNext is where more advanced users can use the built-in project request form to submit project their requests.
Navigate to a request form following these paths:
- Client Portal > Services > choose a project request service > select the button to request the service
- TDNext > Portfolio Planning application > +New > Project Request
Where to Start
When building request forms, as a best practice you should try to define the information you want to gather up front and decide what needs to be required versus optional.
A list of all request forms can be viewed in TDAdmin by navigating to Portfolio Planning > Request Forms.
Custom forms are only used in the Services catalog. For reviewers in the Portfolio Planning application, the full General tab will be used for request creation.
Any custom attributes created for custom forms will show up when reviewing the request in the Portfolio Planning application. More information on how to create custom project attributes can be found here.
Creating Custom Request Forms for Project Requests
To create a custom request form for project requests:
- In TDAdmin, navigate to Portfolio Planning > Request Forms.
- Click the +New button.
- Provide a form name and specify an existing form from which to copy if desired. You can also set the active status and select whether the help text is initially expanded. If the above information is inaccurate, forms can be modified by clicking the Edit link next to the appropriate form.
- Add, Remove, and arrange the fields you would like to see on your form.
- Modify help text for the fields as needed to explain their purpose.
- When satisfied Save the form.
Applying a Request Form to a Service
Once a form has been created, it can be applied to a service.
To apply a form to a service:
- In Client Portal > Service Catalog > Services, select a service or create a new one
- Edit Service, and navigate to the Form tab.
- Choose to Remove Form if the service has one already, and confirm.
- Select an option to either create a new form, use a shared existing form, or create a new form using an existing shared form, then select an Existing Form if the second or third option is chosen and Save.
- At this point the form is applied, and you can further modify it by choosing the Open Form Builder Button.
Adding Static Content to Forms
The form builder view allows you to add static content to forms. You can add headings, instructional text, and other formatted content.
The static content element types are:
- Headings 1-6 – These will add a heading to the Form, which will automatically use the heading styles used throughout the rest of TeamDynamix. Heading 1 is the largest and Heading 6 is the smallest.
- Text Block – This will add a text-only content block, with no formatting.
- HTML Block – This will add HTML content. You can edit the content using the HTML editor. You can also click the Source button to edit the HTML directly.
- Horizontal Rule – This will add a horizontal line to divide sections of the form.
To add static content to your forms:
- Navigate to either A) TDAdmin > Portfolio Planning > Request Forms > [select a form], or B) TDClient > Services > [select a project request service] > Edit Service > Form tab > Open Form Builder button.
- Drag the Add Static Content field onto the desired spot on the form.
- In the Add Static Field popup, choose the Element Type.
- In the content field, enter the text you would like to display.
- Click the Save button.
- Adjust the content’s placement on the form by drag-and-drop.
- When finished, click Save.
Adding or Modifying Fields on a Project Request Form
To edit fields on a request form:
- In TDAdmin, navigate to Portfolio Planning > Request Forms.
- Click on the name of the form whose content you would like to edit.
- Drag and drop the fields from the available fields pane onto the form as well as adjust their order. All the fields in the right navigation pane are the available fields that are not included, but they can be added by clicking on the icon.
- Included fields can be removed from the form by clicking on the Remove link that appears beneath the field. Clicking the Edit link beneath a field will enable you to edit information such as Custom Field Name, Placeholder Text, and Custom Help Text.
- The Editable, Visible and Required checkboxes can be selected to tailor how the fields work on the form.
- Each field can have a default value supplied by providing one on this page.
- The Preview tab can be clicked to give you an idea of how the current form fields will look to the requestor.
- When satisfied, select the Save button.